@Sabres de Buffalo

[Lance Lysowski] Depuis qu’on m’a posé cette question à plusieurs reprises ces derniers jours, l’intensité et le rythme des entraînements ne sont pas un problème chez les Sabres. Ce n’est plus le cas depuis que Granato a pris la relève il y a trois ans.

[Lance Lysowski] Depuis qu’on m’a posé cette question à plusieurs reprises ces derniers jours, l’intensité et le rythme des entraînements ne sont pas un problème chez les Sabres. Ce n’est plus le cas depuis que Granato a pris la relève il y a trois ans.



  1. TheFerricGenum

    Except players that leave say they work harder for other teams. So…it IS a problem, they’re just not acknowledging it.

    Edit: to everyone saying this isn’t a problem, can you honestly say you feel they are better conditioned than at least half the other teams, based on what you’ve seen on the ice? Because I can’t. And if they’re not in the top half, then they’re not getting worked hard enough. Youngest team in the league shouldn’t have any problem being better conditioned than teams with an average age that’s 4-5 years older than ours. And yet, we see them get worked in games at least half the time.

  2. stuiephoto

    What is LL’s experience for knowing what the pace of practices should look like? Was it his experience as a MLB reporter? High school sports reporter? Just curious. 

  3. nefarious_dareus

    This is the most blown out of proportion bullshit that our dumbest fans are latching on to because there’s no way to disprove it. Practices being too easy was literally why the guys before this group liked Kruger. Use your brain for a minute and think about what is more likely. Casey has never skated hard in an nhl practice, meaning Granato didn’t learn anything from what Ralph did wrong? Or he wasn’t expecting it to be as hard as it was because the captain on that team is famously a psycho who demands a shit load from his team mates which translates to really hard practices even during downtime on top of the elevation change and he needed something to compliment them on during his first post trade media appearance?

  4. Sabres8127

    Wasn’t Casey’s comment regarding the elevation in Denver and the fact that they practice with so much intensity inspite of it.

  5. Nervous_Brush4005

    The reason practices seem harder when players leave is because they practice against actual nhl defensemen

  6. Tour-Quality

    I will be the first admit that this season has been very frustrating. Based on the way to savers finished last year, I expected more and a good shot at the playoffs. Yet I’m not ready to throw in the towel and start all over again, again. Like it or not, the current general manager, players, coach, and players are only responsible for the past three years and not 13 years of the drought.
    I do expect Adams to analyze the entire team closely and that includes the coaching. Although I do not think it’s the case, it’s possible Granato has reached his level and somebody else needs to take the team to the next level. This is a young team that should continue to develop with many decent prospects in line . But it is now time for the Sabres to play more aggressively and more consistently. This is especially true of the players in the center position that have not met their expectations this season.

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