@Blues de Saint-Louis

C’est absurde que Hofer ne soit pas impliqué dans les pourparlers avec Calder

Je ne dis pas qu’il devrait s’en sortir par tous les moyens, mais si Skinner termine dans le top 5, Hofer devrait le faire aussi.



  1. Beedrill13

    He’s a rookie playing not as many games for a team outside of the playoffs. He’s absolutely a future (or current) star though and we are blessed to have the two goalies we do.

  2. chiddie

    Skinner had 29 wins and a .913 SV%. Hofer’s at 23 starts.

    Hofer hasn’t earned being in the top 5.

  3. Illustrious-Mode3868

    Did Bedard, Hughes, and Faber magically stop existing?

  4. scrivensB

    2.73gaa and .917sv % is good from a rookie in 26 games. But not even in the same planet of what it would take to be in the ROY shortlist.

  5. Acceptable-Fold-3192

    Ersson from Philly being ignored too. League is too busy glazing Bedard.

  6. NotTheRocketman

    He’ll get a few votes for sure, but this is a very strong year for rookies in general, and that’s not even factoring in Bedard.

    However, I do think he’ll be a Vezina winner in the future though. He’s already won Gold at the WJC, he shows incredible poise for a rookie, and his ceiling is very high. I think he is going to be very, VERY good for us.

  7. HeisenbergForJesus

    You and I might have seen the same post from earlier today, that Hofer has some crazy GAA and SV%. Thing is, that figure also showed he had a recent record of 3-1.

    You’re forgetting that Hofer is a rookie backup goalie. He hasn’t played nearly as many games as a lot of these other guys, meaning his stats are somewhat inflated. Hofer objectively doesn’t deserve to be compared in that capacity.

  8. CrimsonTyphoon0613

    It is what it is. I’m just happy it looks like we have a good tandem for years to come.

  9. redlaundryfan

    Curious … how strong has the competition he has faced been? He certainly looks capable out there, but I always wonder with backup goalies who have good stats if they’re getting the soft starts.

  10. HighOf39

    Hofer is just a sign of good things to come in net. We have quite a few good prospects coming up as well.

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