@Panthers de la Floride

Ce but en tirs de barrage devrait-il compter ? Bob touche la rondelle et elle recule

Ce but en tirs de barrage devrait-il compter ? Bob touche la rondelle et elle recule



  1. DonCorlealt

    Id love to say “no” but it straight up doesnt look like Bob touched the puck

  2. CasperCann

    No it shouldn’t count, because I don’t want it to count haha.

  3. TheCatEmpire2

    Looks like forward motion shown from a diagonal angle. Shootout wins are pure entertainment anyway. Really wish they could’ve buried the 3 on 1 rush in OT it’s amazing Swaggy got robbed on the open net

  4. SadBoyJ_Official

    Well considering Rodrigues had one turned back like that earlier in the season it shouldn’t of, but who cares shootouts don’t happen in the playoffs. Of course if we were in last seasons position you review that.

  5. FLA-Hoosier

    Its really close and hard to say. The white stick on white ice doesn’t help

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