@Ligue nationale de hockey

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  1. Mariorules25

    Flower got robbed of that second point

  2. PositivePrimary8773

    Then get beat Go Blues 🎺

  3. LineMenArePeople_2

    Yeah Flower was not a happy camper after that OT goal was given up. I don’t think I’ve ever seem him smash a stick over a goal before.

  4. LouisWu987

    Flower looks glorious in those old North Star colours.

  5. Porkchopp33

    Fleury has been doing this for 20 years

  6. VengefulYak

    He shot it right into his glove…

    The only reason it looked like it was a good save was because he was so dramatic with his arm swing

  7. JBrundy

    Lmao i know goalies like to be dramatic with these great saves but that was a little much

  8. vinegarstrokes420

    A little showmanship, but it did look awesome

  9. SonicR91

    Sucks Flower isn’t on a better team. I wouldnt be mad if they make yoffs.

  10. KevinBrevin

    To bad they lost in OT, they needed those 2 points

  11. JPIPS42

    Still better than half the goalies in the league. Still don’t understand the hate he gets. People don’t know goaltending.

  12. Killahdanks1

    Like butter. No seriously, he looks like he’s wearing butter.

  13. Bluzman19

    r/stlouisblues they are making fun of us

  14. sBucks24

    « way to make an easy catch look difficult » is a saying in baseball I use all the time that really comes to mind with this after that fall

  15. pleaseluv

    First off.. love the retro Northstar jersey.. might be my favorite jersey going right now, and fleury is doing it proud… 
    That said.. his read and the big sale on the windmill were the biggest part for me.. 
    He read it early and was over in plenty of time, and although the shooter got it over the glove.. just barely.. he had it gloved and buried before he kicked over.. 
    But in real time I bet the crowd went berserk.. 
    I like Fleury more every year.

  16. TheGardiner

    Those old North Star jerseys are some of the best in the league.

  17. warpedashell

    The Man, the Myth, the Living Legend.

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