@Stars de Dallas

Lancement record avec STEPH CURRY à Crypto.com Arena !!

Je détiens actuellement le @guinnessworldrecords pour le ballon de football le plus loin lancé dans une cible par une femme à 90 pieds avec un ballon de football de taille NFL. Un GRAND MERCI aux @laclippers de m’avoir fait 10 essais pendant un temps mort pour tenter d’accomplir 94ft !!


  1. 😂😂 I wonder how the football teams would like if SHE came n took over the Quarterback of any team she wanted?? 😂😂 Alot of men wouldnt like that would they!!??

  2. Dang, this young lady has an amazing arm. I would say she i one in about 75 million. I have never seen a girl throw like that

  3. Captioned “Record breaking throw” for the amount of time I watched this video before realizing it wasn’t going to be a “record breaking throw” 😡

  4. This is America today summed up in one video. I’m pretty sure even I could throw the football through the hoop if I got 100 chances to do it lol.

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