@Hurricanes de la Caroline

LFR17 – Match 70 – Freddy – Maple Leafs 1, Hurricanes 2

Steve Dangle récapitule et analyse le match 70 de la saison des Maple Leafs de Toronto contre les Hurricanes de la Caroline. DEVENEZ UN VIP SDPN ! https://www.youtube.com/sdpn/join SDPN : https://www.sdpn.ca/ ANNONCER AVEC NOUS ! https://sdpn.ca/sales/ SDPN DISCORD : https://discord.com/invite/MtTmw9rrz7 LIVRE : https://bit.ly/2I9hmWP LIVRE AUDIO : https://bit.ly/2GIgYya phoques de PÂQUES : https https://t.co/DVbMNTS1IL


  1. This video should be titled "Excuses" because that is all I heard. I would also add that Robert Malloy is a fraud. On discord, he will always take leafs fans side despite how they started the fight. He is a disgraceful moderator

  2. anyone who works a construction job where u need to stay in a motel/hotel understands that back to backs suck 😂😂 also fire Keefe that guy gets a different treatment that nobody else does

  3. Our pp is disgraceful. 0/4. Woll ✅. 78 is a liability , and why Keefe would pull Benoit and put this guy back in is beyond many of us. Brodie froze on a 2 on 0. Painful.

  4. When a team beats you last week, you usually want to beat them the week after. Except if you're the Leafs. Leafs will gladly lose to them twice. Boston, now Canes.

  5. Great video but steve oilers have lost b4 the game with the leafs 6 games in regulation since jan 1st not sure where u getting 1 game in regulation in 2024?

  6. Leafs 🤣🤣🤣

    After getting lucky Saturday and playing a Western Conference team ( for the last time this season thank God ), they finally started playing one of the big boys from the East. And predictably lost, again 🤣🤣🤣

    Leafs 🤣🤣🤣

    And to make it even sweeter, Freddie Anderson was in net to do the honours for the Canes ! Way to go Freddie ! You kept the other ‘ Freddie ‘ off the scoresheet . If you are wondering who that is, I am referring to that Freddie Mercury look-a-like Flaring Nostrils Matthews 🤣🤣🤣

    Leafs 🤣🤣🤣

    They are destined to finish third in the division , again, and have to go through the gauntlet of Boston and/or WE WANT FLORIDA !! It’s not going to end pretty for the Leafs, that’s for sure 🤣🤣🤣

    Leafs 🤣🤣🤣

    They are fortunate that the schedule makers are giving them three puff ball games this week, before the schedule really starts to hit them where it hurts in April, with Tampa Bay and WE WANT FLORIDA twice each 🤣🤣🤣

    Leafs 🤣🤣🤣

    I am looking forward to the Buffalo game next weekend ,you know the leafs will fall flat on their faces then. Hopefully Washington exacts revenge on them much like Philly did. Speaking of which, thanks Philly for letting a undermanned Panther team win in your barn !

    Leafs 🤣🤣🤣

    Check this out : Leafs vs. the top three teams in the East :

    BOSTON : 0-2-2
    CAROLINA : 0-2-1

    Combined : 1-5-3 🤣🤣🤣

    Leafs 🤣🤣🤣

    Check this out : Leaf’s vs. the bottom feeders :

    CHICAGO : 0-1-1
    OTTAWA : 1-3-0
    BUFFALO : 1-2-0
    COLUMBUS : 1-0-2
    ISLANDERS : 0-1-2

    Combined : 3-7-5. 🤣🤣🤣

    Leafs 🤣🤣🤣

    Total record here is : 4-12-8 , for 16 points out of a possible 48 points 😮 Pissed away 32 points 🤣🤣🤣

    Leafs 🤣🤣🤣

    Joseph ( CALL ME WAHHHLLL ) since returning from injury ? 2-3 🤣🤣🤣

    Leafs 🤣🤣🤣

    I just have to get through the next three pussy cat games for the Leafs, hopefully they go no better than 1-1-1, while the Bruins and WE WANT FLORIDA !! rack up the points to keep the Leafs in third.

    Leafs 🤣🤣🤣

  7. They should try Brodie on the 4th line if they’re doing 11-7. That way they get Benoit in and still have a playable team. I think him not having to worry too much about D and instead focusing more on just being a pest like Bert or Domi that would be fun to watch.

  8. Doesn’t matter what Leaf’s do , whether it’s 11-7 or 12-6, they are toast in the playoffs having to beat Boston AND WE WANT FLORIDA !! in back to back rounds, then having to beat the Canes or Rangers 🤣🤣🤣

    Leafs 🤣🤣🤣

  9. I don’t care what the final score says …that wasn’t a 1 goal game. Leafs got it handed to them tonight. They were awful. Woll being the only reason it wasn’t a slaughter.

  10. Forgot to mention Florida put Stolarz in who was out the last 4 games so was really well rested and a play fresh off suspension so that played a part in the panthers winning against the flyers

  11. Back to back NHL games are NOT EVEN CLOSE to back to back MLB or NBA games. NFL players take less of a beating and exert less energy and they get no less than 6 days between games. Hockey players are a different breed. Christ I've seen MLB teams play two games in one day and another game just 16 hours later, and they are perfectly fine. NHL having less than 24 hours between games is something that should never happen, but it happens a few times to each team each year. NHL players are the toughest, most passionate athletes of any major sport. They throw hands and throw haymakers at each other's faces, bleed from the face, sit in the box for 5 minutes or go in the back to have their faces sewn, stapled and glued back together, and get out there and keep playing. Boxers and MMA fighters get 5 months between fights to recover. Hockey players get 5 minutes. As an NHL fan, I have no desire to watch any other sport for any reason except for a little UFC. Watching NBA players get accidentally brushed in the face by someone's hand, with zero damage, throw themselves on the floor and roll around and cry like little spoiled kids is hilarious. See you in the playoffs Toronto. Cheers from Bruins country!

  12. 3:52 Yeah you’re kinda just waffling here, That was the best thing to happen for the leafs. JTs stick was broke and the puck was getting dumped there wasn’t gonna be a call on the play so the best thing was that whistle. Would’ve had 10-20 sec taken off the pp if it wasn’t for that, dk how in any way that’d be the refs tryna throw the game. No there shouldn’t have been a whistle but complaining about it like it meant anything is wild.

  13. Cane's had every conceivable advantage BUT the one that counts: "The Zebras". Woll and the Refs kept the Leafs in this game, every other player on the Leafs team was a liability. Not to mention the 1 goal that the Leafs scored came because Carolina had to force a lineup change to try and get a stick to Freddie. 2-1 scoreline is deceptive. Leafs got ran circles around and it showed. Good game by Carolina, try and rest up Leafs.

  14. How tf do you play a back to back have 1 day of rest and people are complaining about how much rest you had💀💀 such a ridiculous notion

  15. The product on the ice gets worse with a lot of backtobacks, and the players most likely get injured more easily. The nhl is working against its intrests.

  16. i hate when the leafs make an average ass team look amazing…in the third toronto started going to the net, because they've taught themselves that if they try for 2 minutes they can score 3 goals most of the time. people make fun of edmonton a lot for being powerplay merchants…carolina…another reason they're gonna lose in the playoffs cuz they don't call the rules.

  17. Brodie brings nothing to this team currently. He is a UFA so he is not part of their future, especially at 5 mil!!!??? So, ya where's that leave him…part of the past. He seems like a good guy and he's got off ice issues that we all feel for, but he just doesn't offer anything to the team. He doesn't hit, is useless trying to clear front of the net, constantly gets out-played in the corners — which lead to scoring opportunities–, has no impact on offense(0 goals in what 143 games now?) and he is a very poor/slow skater which many times leads to other players having to compensate which gets them out of position.

    The organization and coaching staff have to do what is best for this team and the fans, which is not playing(or playing very minimal minutes) a soon-to-be former player. I'd rather have Gio out there, if he's healthy, because at least he blocks shots.

  18. Enough complaining about back to backs. I have seen Leafs lose many home games when they are rested and visitors are on b2b. Agree NHL scheduling sucks, cater to often to team requests.

  19. Hot take but *in this game*, and I'm only talking about this game, I genuinely think Woll was the better goalie. The stats are very close (with Andersen having the slight edge) but hear me out, the leafs' defense was not great tonight. Woll faced numerous high danger chances and several breakaways because of mistakes the team made. I guess there's not much value in who was better though, either as a leafs fan or just generally. What really matters is that Andersen played like one of if not the best goalie in the league (currently, not season-long) tonight, and Woll was undeniably keeping pace, regardless of who you thought was better. That's the goaltending the leafs need going into the playoffs, and going forward. Sammy has really stepped up too. Give them consistent defense and we actually have a shot I think.

  20. The Lightning won their back to back game…….without Point and Hedman in the lineup. Just saying.

  21. Anyone else wondering how long Toronto Leafs players take to recovery from illness? Because it seems like some of these players have had Covid back to back to back to back with the amount of time Steve has been using that as an excuse and Injury is a weak excuse until the playoffs. I'll give you the back to back with less than 24 hours and travel though. That's a tough one. But this illness excuse, either these guys have worthless immune systems or they need to stop partying. As for the injuries, name me a team that hasn't dealt with injuries, and if you're already using this as an excuse well then… say goodbye in round one again.

  22. You are right, it is done on purpose, to keep the cup in the US, what else could it be right? Good scheduling? An over sight? Lol cmon, the Leafs did better than any other team in this back to back because they only lost by 1 goal, had they had Saturday night off they would have won

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