@Predators de Nashville

Personne ne s’attendait à ça

Filip Forsberg a eu une sale bagarre avec Moritz Seider alors que les Predators de Nashville sont restés chauds samedi soir en battant les Red Wings de Détroit. Cela et bien plus encore dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui !


  1. We’ll see how they perform against the Avs on the 30th. Last time Preds crushed them. Glad you’re finally acknowledging the heater.

  2. True story.
    Playing pickup hockey last week. Dude who's highest level of hockey was HS just turns to me randomly and says, "You think I could take Mo Seider?" I start laughing and he says with some confidence, "I think I could." In his defense, he is about 6'1" on skates, but that's still 3" shorter than Mo. My other buddy (who played in AHL for 2 years) starts telling him Mo's in NHL shape, he's on an NHL diet, he's also 3" taller than you." He says, "I had SIX taquitos today, you think Mo had taquitos today?" And then jumped over the boards to get a shift in and left me laughing on the bench and the guy who thinks he can take Mo? Completely speechless.

    Some guys will never understand the levels to this game.

  3. As an Avs fan, I really don't want to see the Preds first round. That being said, the Avs are on their own heater with 9 straight wins. Although, I do think they were lucky on a few of those games. But a win is a win.

  4. The first line of the preds has been great all year. Recently it's lower line players like Novak and McCarron who have really stepped up as of late and made them a better team

  5. I appreciate how the woman who just so happened to be sitting behind the fight was wearing a Smashville jersey.
    Well played ma'am, well played.

  6. Dude had like 3 seconds to sit in the slot and corral the puck before shooting. With 3 Wings standing right by him. Why don’t players hit in these situations anymore?

  7. the first half of this video lmao

    preds: own longest point streak in the NHL currently, shuts out Florida, back to back shutouts

    Eck: "lol did you see Forsberg lose in this fight?"

    Lmao I swear

  8. As a fan of the preds I hope we can go all the way, but as everyone know there is no easy games in the NHL and especially the playoffs. One game at a time

  9. Forsberg said he should have picked on someone in his own weightclass? They are literally both listed as 205 😀

  10. Not only did Forsberg lose the fight, he couldn’t even take the L like a man. “Should have picked someone my own size”. Forsberg is 6’2 212 lbs and Seider is 6’4 207 lbs. that’s 5 cm advantage for Seider and and 5 lbs advantage for Forsberg. They are literally the same size lmfao. Not only that but Sieder is only 22 so he won’t even have fully developed his adult muscle structure yet, he’s literally still a kid. What a loser he really embarrassed himself on this one.

  11. As a Colorado fan im pretty comfortable playing the "hottest team in the NHL", considering we are the second hottest, and we know our talent is cup contender level. The Preds don't have it in them imo.

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