@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Qui choisit les 3 étoiles ? Quelqu’un n’est pas au match ?

Je veux dire, allez, 41 putains d’arrêts, cela aurait dû être 1 Freddie, 2 Woll et 3 Aho (but gagnant). C’est un problème majeur dans le jeu auquel Woll a joué. Si j’étais un joueur des Canes, je serais énervé. Tous ces efforts et ils disent que c’était trop facile pour Will. Oh et l’onde de tempête est stupide



  1. goodvibesonlyGLG

    Luckily it doesn’t matter, but anyone with a brain knows it should’ve been Freddie, Woll, Aho in that order.

    Also, agreed…the storm surge is super cringe.

  2. tipofthespear23

    These arent even “official” or anything. It counts for nothing. I wouldn’t care if it was always the home team for all 3 “stars”.

  3. Fastlane19

    I agree Woll should have been a star but I thought Burns had a strong game

  4. Sufficient-Welder628

    Makes sense, winning goalie played better then woll and both players that scored.

  5. 1columbia

    If I’m not mistaken, the Score app’s ‘three stars’ differs from the actual three stars selected sometimes

  6. Silent_Leg1976

    George Parros just spins a wheel actually.

  7. malabericus

    The home arena picks the 3 stars so it’s pretty bias sometimes. Not really sure why a canes player would be upset about this.

    Also the storm surge is fun as hell and I wish we did something similar 

  8. DarkRaven47

    I wouldn’t have even given Aho a star, he was invisible all game and his goal was a smelly lucky cheeseball goal on a failed pass by him. He did nothing all game.

  9. YarnhamSunrise

    Life is way too short to get bent out of shape about the stars of the game lol.

  10. PuckPov

    I work for a pro team, it’s usually the home team that picks 3 stars. Our in-arena announcer is the one who picks it for us. This is why you’ll often see the first star given to a guy who’s retiring, or just came back from a long injury even if they don’t play well.

  11. Super_Gur957

    Woll would have been lucky to be number 3 after he gave up the first goal of the game on the first shot and then the second goal a couple minutes later lmao

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