@Devils du New Jersey

Matt Rempe a signé une photo de Nate Bastian des Devils du NJ blessé sur la glace : C’EST LA GUERRE !

L’attaquant des Rangers de New York, Matt Rempe, vient de jeter une autre bûche sur le feu. Son histoire au cours des 2 derniers matchs contre les Devils du New Jersey est bien documentée. 22/02/24 au Prudential Center, il élimine Nate Bastian du jeu ; reçoit une pénalité de match et est expulsé du jeu. 11/03/24 au Madison Square Garden, il lance un coup de coude en forme de poulet à la tête de Jonas Siegenthaler, le mettant hors jeu. Rempe a également été expulsé de celui-ci et a reçu une suspension de 4 matchs pour ses actions. Hier, lors d’une séance d’autographes, Matt Rempe a dédicacé la photo à un fan des Rangers. Quelle racaille. Il DOIT obtenir le sien 4/3 lorsque les Rangers et les Devils jouent au MSG. *REMARQUE* J’ai dit à tort que Tortorella lui avait dit de ne pas se battre ; Je voulais dire Laviolette. Je discute de tout cela dans cette vidéo. Faites-moi part de vos réflexions dans les commentaires. Voir nos autres vidéos pour Devils Coverage! Abonnez-vous pour plus de contenu Devils à venir ! : https://www.youtube.com/@runninwiththedevils?sub_confirmation=1 Suivez-nous sur Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/7BYmvZzdWiRfnEZzZA8RJd Suivez-nous sur Instagram : https : //www.instagram.com/runninwiththenjdevils/ Suivez-nous sur X : https://www.instagram.com/runninwiththenjdevils/ #njdevils #mattrempe #newjerseydevils #nyrangers #newyorkrangers #rempe #devils #rangers #nathanbastian #natebastian #bastian # hockeyfight #hockeyfights #devilsrangers #rangersdevils #nhlrivalry #nhl #hockey #njdevilspodcast #newjerseydevilspodcast


  1. Scumbag move. He wants to be famous too fast and I think he's making horrible decisions that will make him fall off the 🪜. In terms of Kurtis, he is going to run. Maybe use it as a advantage to get under our skin and maybe that's their coaches plan also. If it gets physical Kurtis is great at being patient and knows how to force someone to throw first punches and dodge them and counter them, very good and interesting tactic

  2. What a complete piece of garbage Rempe is !! Classlessness at its highest level .. This guy can’t fight Macdermid to his face but thinks he’s a tough guy signing a picture of someone he injured with a dirty hit 🤷‍♀️ NOOOO respect for people like that 😒

  3. Dude… it’s not real. Please for the love of God tell me you’re not believing some random Facebook post 💀

  4. Found the Original Post in a *Rangers FB group…

    “Rempe was laughing his ass off when I asked him to sign this.

    Update.. Devils fans are reposting this all over social media and saying exactly what you’d expect of them. The MacDermid comment was a joke. Relax everyone.”

    Basically you all got trolled by Ranger fans on Facebook… stay classy NJ.

    FYI you make great content, but this is simply wrong.

  5. Please Kurtis MacDermid give a huge dirty hit on Fox, Kreider, Zibanejad or Panarin. Have one of them miss this years playoffs. He injured 2 Devils. We need to take out a Ranger

  6. Well if you watched florida rangers, gustafsson got taken out with an elbow from Reinhart. Karma comes back around.

  7. Dude, this makes bad influence on future nhl stars, because one thing I would want the least is kids thinking they should hit and injure players. Matt rempe needs to chill out because if you want to fight and hurt people, go play boxing!!!!!

  8. We haven't had ANY muscle for YEARS. We sign MacDermid less than a MONTH ago and he's the solution? We should have had some D that PREVENTED this hit three months ago.

  9. Rempe is marked for a severe beat down. Been a Devils supporter since the early 80’s Patrick Division days, seen some tough players over the years. There’s a price to pay for this sort of nonsense…like to see MacDermid deal with him repeatedly

  10. I’m a Leafs fan and the one game we saw him he wasn’t very impressive. First time he was on the ice he tried to forecheck on Nylander. Nylander just skated a circle around him and he fell. He then jumped into a hit on Lybushkin and got punched out by Reaves. I don’t think the kid is gonna be in the league very long.

  11. lol stop crying Trouba signed the picture of him taking out Timo or Nosek too but you guys wont pull that with an established tough guy who has repeatedly taken out your players. You guys only go after the rookie because Devils fans are soft

  12. This guy puts up a dirty hit on another player, ends his season because of that dirty hit and then signs a photo of it ?!!!
    What a piece of 💩

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