@Sabres de Buffalo

Discussion Bleu et Or – Les Sabres gagnent à Calgary, et maintenant ?

Salut les amis, dans cette vidéo, un récapitulatif du dernier match et quelques réflexions sur la façon dont nous l’avons gagné avant la dernière ligne droite.. merci d’avoir regardé 😎 **Communauté Discord sur ce lien 🦬 : https://discord.gg/DcRqQFN5nV ** « Khatchaturian Saber Dance » a été acheté sous licence et acheté auprès d’Audio Micro (Licence n° U269T3409)


  1. Pegula doesn't have the Balls to hire a guy like Gallant. He wants yes men who kiss his behind

  2. Im with you Wayne! I’m getting tired of yelling “Finish your damn check!!” at the TV every game!

  3. first 2 periods were hard to watch i thought they did better in the third period. And to answer the question where would we be without UPL… probably a 66 point season maybe worse. If nothing else he (UPL) gave us some meaning to these late season games.

  4. Correct. I usually love our talking talking heads. Butt they were full of crap, Boyz didn't attack the man with the puck.. the lone Flames goal was scored by Power, or UPL would have earned another shut out
    However, without Don, Tage and Mittz would still be in the AHL… Clifton and #12 are more than goons… Don's teaching hockey. I see new techniques every third game… the Boyz are still learning… TNT's EN was fought for… Clifton's was teamwork… being mean to Tage, Mittz, Greenway, others, would never have developed

  5. they don't keep mostly constant movement in their power play.. stationary play makes them easier to cover , That's why they rely on their transition game so much. you're quicker with constant movement

  6. UPL was totally, for a brief moment, trying to score an empty net goal.

    My heart fluttered for a split second

  7. Not enough contributions from our bottom six. Either in goals scored, or hits thrown. This part of the line-up, is where Adams has to focus in the off-season Imo.

  8. been our problem all year long. We're two different teams. If the A-Team showed up all year, we'd be top five because when we look good, we look fire when we look bad, my son's peewee team could beat us.

  9. We should’ve beat Edmonton 3-2. If we were an aggressive hard hitting team we could’ve locked it down. I felt the same way about the game against Calgary. I want to see this team with an experienced coach that teaches them to be aggressive with both their skills and hitting. That’s how this team becomes a champion.

  10. the math is getting tight at this point still possible with luck but I do believe that the Fat Lady is getting ready to sing very disappointing season

  11. 100% agree Wayne , Id love to see Gallant ,Berube, Lindy Ruff, or Quenville ( if Bettman lets him return to the NHL??) behind the bench next season but we are dreaming as Daycare Donnie will be back next season since he has signed an extension. Who the hell gives an extension at the beginning of the season!? 🤬🤬 Our only hope is Pegula hires Lindy as an "advisor" like Ottawa did with Jacques Martin. This way if the boys start off slow Adams can fire Granato asap and put Ruff behind the bench.
    I do think Matt Ellis will be fired though since our PP has been soooo bad this year- love to see Peca replace him .
    Hoping that tonights Washington and Murder City Dead things isnt a 3 point game!🙏🙏
    Thanks for the video Wayne, fully agree with what you said ! love the rant!

  12. I was thinking about this the other day. Buffalo has turned into a soy boy softie town and the hockey team has been built to reflect that. Soft and passive. The hipsters have taken over the town. Torts is old school and his team is old school. I can’t name more than a few players on that team but they’re making the playoffs. Go figure.

  13. I agree with what you say. So in other words, our problem is motivation. I don't care how much the players like their coach, the results are not there.

  14. We are a daycare with a hefty bank roll. I think Tage has looked lazy at times all year.

  15. Yea, it was a win but both teams treated it like an open practice for 20 minutes. Neither team has much fire power so it was another boring road win. In my mind nothing to really feel good about other than the W UPL was solid but again Tage still cannot score 5 on 5.

  16. Wayne, I saw a post on the Canadian feed they compared the goals scored by Tage, Skinner, Tuch, Cozens and Ollie last yr to yr, They are down 84 goals from last year.

  17. Make the playoffs or not, this team doesn't deserve to go. Lacks leadership, experience, emotion and heart.

    And Huberdud didn't score on us, $8.3 mil a year man Mr. Power did ☹️

  18. UPL, is he the comeback player of the year for the Sabres? I'm not sure if this story has anything to do with the Sabres, but when I was 15 years old and just starting to learn to skate on indoor rinks, my first coach made us do cross-ice sprints for almost the entire hour of practice. Our season was short, only 18 games, but we only lost 5 games all season. Despite being one of the worst skaters on the team, I managed to score the first goal of the playoffs. We didn't end up winning the championship, but we definitely overachieved.

  19. Not going anywhere with the son of synergy in charge… couldn't agree with you more. Too soft for too long.
    Win against a depleted team, and it was largely luck and Luuk that won the game

  20. As I said before it's a developing year. I expect a fairly lackluster finish from the Sabres this year. If the boys wanted something to play for they should have won in Detroit. It's mostly their fault. I'm worried that this young team will get permanently discouraged and other players will avoid Buffalo like the bubonic plague. As far as coaching I've been ready for a change since November. Don took this team as far as he could. Some times teams need a driver coach, sometimes they need a laid back coach. That's why Punch sent Joe Crozier ( a driver) elsewhere and replaced him with Floyd Smith (a players coach). Punch knew the Sabres players were salty and ready to run at the cup.

  21. I mean someone needs to SCREAM in the faces of our players. Some of our biggest guys are the least physical!!! Insanity. Tage and power, for the love of god you are 6’6” and can kill people out there but shy away. The other team sees that and takes advantage of it…it’s fear! This team needs a sports psychologist desperately.

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