@Flyers de Philadelphie

3/26 PHI contre NYR Après-match : Brad Shaw

Écoutez l’entraîneur associé des Flyers, Brad Shaw, après une défaite de 6-5 en prolongation contre les Rangers.


  1. I actually was on Torts side in terms of scratching Couturier. He's been one of our worst players since getting the C, and I believed that it was a harsh but necessary move to show accountability. But Torts refusing to show his face after putting out two 4th liners to start OT against the Rangers stars made me lose some respect for him. You can't preach accountability with your players and not take accountability for bad coaching decisions that lead to losses. Just put TK, Tippett, Farabee, Foerster, or Frost out there to start OT. It's not hard at all.

  2. Poor Shaw, has to carry water for Torts, defending the indefensible. Cates and Poehling to start OT is simply a gift to the opposition.

  3. The fascist was a predictable no show
    And the pathetic shills in the media wouldn't ask a single question about Ersson who was a complete abomination. Worse than Sandstrom. Or Couturier.

    Censorship is here, people.

    I haven't heard a word about Gurianov, Seeler, or Drysdale in the past week.

    Lycksell is still scoreless in the nhl after 21 games.

    I guess its automatic that Atkinson will never play another game.

    Face facts, the Flyers have a very serious goaltending problem now. Opponent goal scorers now have a book on Ersson. Get him on his knees, and then go stick side.

  4. York was even, but 6 shots on goal, no goals, and no one getting his rebounds. Tell him to put the puck in the back of the net. The entire team gets better. Our most offensively talented defenseman. And encourage Zamula to SHOOT. He is the best at finding the seam, what is wrong with you guys, are you so nearsighted? I think you need to sit outa few games and see what we are all seeing. Its obvious. Get a new filter on your glasses please. Thank you. Where the F is Torts anyway!? You are kind of building a culture among these young guys that losing is okay, AGAIN. NOT OK.

  5. Flyers are in trouble, looks can be deceiving Caps have two games in hand. Caps can go 5-5 and Flyers 4-4 their out.What hurt them is Lighting and Caps are over .500 last 8 games Flyers are 4-4. It might be easier to catch Tampa who are 3 points ahead but they also have 1 game in hand?

  6. What coach pulls a move like that UNLESS he's trying to blow the game for the team And I think he did as punishment for them blowing the lead and it going to OT a complete bullshit call by torts. Sure he's the coach but HE is NOT the origination smh I feel a mutiny coming very soon.

  7. That was a crazy 3rd period. I love this team’s perseverence. However, this loss I blame Sean Couturier. Good for Tortz on scratching him for 2 games. Honestly, after this I’d scratch him for the rest of the season. Miss the playoffs, I don’t care bench him for the rest of the regular season. If we make the playoffs, put him back in for game 1 of round 1. I feel so bad for Konecny and Tippett, 1 of them should have been captain as they are lighting the lamp like crazy and have more leadership. I like Couturier but he is NOT the player he used to be. He’s getting old and gets injured too much. 1 month and a quarter into his captaincy, no goals, 3 assists and a minus rating. I’m sorry but that is nowhere near good enough and is completely unacceptable for being captain of a team that is having surpising success this year and should be leading this team to the playoffs. I honestly believe he took that rest for a period mentality from Claude Giroux. Yet he’s been worse than Giroux. Tortz, you are a fantastic coach for this team but if we miss the playoffs I expect you to rip the C off his jersey and give it to either Travis Konecny or Owen Tippett because if Couturier’s performance does not get any better, he could not only cost us 3rd in the division but maybe playoffs entirely.

  8. All you fools keep ripping on Tortsy but I’m positive he’s in there behind closed doors ripping his men and hyping them up.

  9. Love Torts, but just lost some respect for him hiding. He's hiding because he contributed to that loss by his choice of who was on the ice in the 3 on 3. He should answer the questions, front and center, not his asst.

  10. Funny how Torts screams accountability for the players, yet he acts like a chicken when he knows people will question his bonehead moves. 2nd OT in a row Torts blows what players are on the ice. Brad Shaw is a better coach.

  11. Thanks to Torts we've gotten good amount of points in our last games that have been against nothing less than the top teams in the league.

    TOR W, CAR (OT), BOS W, FLA (lost but kept them at 14 shots on goalie which is probably their lowest all season), NYR (OT)

  12. Torts has drawn water from a stone we have too credit him for that!!

    But ive always said and thought his feel for the offensive side of the game lacks!

    The teams we are suppose to beat coming up we have too win those games or forget it!!

  13. I came here to watch torts blow up and instead I get his paper pusher. Oh well, not a pretty win but I’ll take it LGR

  14. That's probably game we should have won but take the point and move on. The Rags are one of the top teams in the league with a bunch of skill guys. And we hung with them and didn't quit. Says a lot about our guys. Six points over these last seven tough games vs the league's best – not great but not bad either. Keep fightin'!

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