@Oilers d'Edmonton

McLennan : « McDavid est sans doute le plus grand joueur qui ait jamais joué »

Jamie McLennan, analyste de TSN dans la LNH, rejoint SC avec Jay Onrait pour discuter de la façon dont la récente séquence de quatre défaites consécutives des Jets pourrait éventuellement leur coûter la division centrale, et à quel point il sera impressionnant de voir Connor McDavid devenir le quatrième joueur de tous les temps à enregistrer 100 assiste dans une saison.


  1. Gretzky will always be The Great One. However.. If you had a time machine and brought Gretzky from the past up to todays game with McDavid, or Vise versa, McDavid comes out on top either way. Gretzky would vouch for that. It's just not an apples to apples comparison. The other example is Jack Nicklaus and Tiger. Everyone says Jack has 18 majors so he's the GOAT. Not a chance. You run the same time machine and Tiger comes out on top. Not apples to apples.

  2. Gretzky is the most dominant athlete in pro sports history. So tired of people trying to come up with hot takes why he's not the greatest.

  3. lol, the West is a blood bath this season… We already know which 8 teams are going into the playoffs. Is there really a favourable matchup? Nashville has the best record in the league since February. Don't sell them short just because they're in the 1st wild card spot. And the 2nd wild card spot is Vegas… You know they're going to be stronger in the playoffs when they can activate some reinforcement. So which team exactly is "weak" in the West?

  4. Nope. If you think he is better than 99 or 66 or 4, you have brain damage. Mcdavid is a product of rule changes and media hype. Gretzky, Mario and Orr dominated the league, Mcdavid barely is better than his teammate (which he lost a scoring title to).

  5. nothing makes millennials and genz angrier than not being the best at something…so, everything in the past was terrible, anything they do is the best. If the past greats had the same rule changes that the NHL has made recently, they would have dominated even more. Starting in 2005-2006 Season: The NHL adopted a comprehensive package of rule changes that included the following: Goal line moved to 11 feet from end boards; blue lines moved to 75 feet from end boards, reducing neutral zone from 54 feet to 50 feet. Center red line eliminated for two-line passes. "Tag-up" off-side rule reinstituted. Goaltender not permitted to play the puck outside a designated trapezoid-shaped area behind the net. A team that ices the puck is not permitted to make any player substitutions prior to the ensuing faceoff. A player who instigates a fight in the final five minutes of regulation time or at any time of overtime to receive a minor, a major, a misconduct and an automatic one-game suspension. The size of goaltender equipment reduced. If a game remains tied after five minutes of overtime, winner determined by shootout.

  6. bwahahahhahahhaha best ever ? the guy hasnt even come close to career stats for so so many and hes the greatest ? lol hes good but has a long long way to go before hes in elite alltime all it takes is 1 injury and its over lets see how he stands the test of time

  7. Calm down people. Until you get some cups Gretzky is the best ever hands down. People have short memories.

  8. If he was an all-time great, he'd have at least 2 Cups by now! Hell, he's not even as good as MacKinnon—a power forward as opposed to a pussy forward (McDavid).

  9. I never thought I would live to see Gretz be so quickly tossed aside. McD has ONE 100 assist season and you're ready to put him ahead of 99, 66 and 4? Absolute clown talk. This coming from an Oilers fan who loves McDavid.

  10. Why is it "arguably"? He is. There's a difference between GOAT and "greatest who's played".
    Gretzky is still the GOAT because of how he was so much better than the next guy. However, he would not survive in today's era.
    McDavid is the greatest to ever play and would still dominate that era. Gretzky in this era would not survive. McDavid in the former era would dominate.

  11. Mark Messier has had the best career in NHL history. I'd put Gretz and Crosby in there as the top 3. Career.

  12. He needs at least 1 cup and 1 Conn Smyth before he is even considered for the Mount Rushmore of hockey, let alone greatest ever.

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