@Sabres de Buffalo

À la personne qui a volé ma rondelle…

J’ai fait une pancarte pour mon joueur préféré Krebs que j’ai tenu pendant l’échauffement, je porte même son maillot, et ça a marché ! Il m’a vu et m’a donné une rondelle !… que le gars derrière moi a prise. Il m’a vu là-bas encourager Krebs avec ma pancarte et mon maillot, a vu qu’il me regardait et essayait de diriger la rondelle dans ma direction. À ce fan, vous savez ce que vous avez fait, alors merci beaucoup d’avoir amené le mauvais juju dans l’arène et d’avoir rendu ma soirée triste 😔



  1. xBialyOrzel

    Personally you would be justified in throwing hands.

  2. splendid_ssbm

    At least your night picked up from here, right?

  3. Aspence22

    If he gets wind of this somehow you’ll end up with a signed puck

  4. Oshowcinco

    ‘#2 fan now. The other guy has assumed the mantle

  5. Kujo1104

    That’s bullshit , what an asshole somebody your with should have given him a hard time at least

  6. PhoenixRoadrunners82

    You should have called him out and embarrassed him. What a POS.

  7. PhoenixRoadrunners82

    Your Sabres earrings are awesome.

  8. Icy-Permission-1717

    This is just wrong.. some fans don’t deserve the right to be in the rink.

    Hope your night gets better.. I have a feeling something good will come your way, like maybe a signed stick.?.? Hoping for ya 🤞

  9. Barzy13Moni

    They caused what happened tonight. Not the defense, not any of that, solely them (I guarantee it I stand by it)

  10. austfraust

    Followed by that first period. I’m sorry that’s a rough night LOL get in the ice cream line ASAP that always makes it a decent night hahaha

  11. Certain_Meaning5897

    Wonder if you can explain your situation to customer service desk? It’s a long shot, but you know what? What have you got to lose ?

  12. Sabrefan68

    Post his Pic on here…. What a tool

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