@Rangers de New York

[The Athletic] Qui est la recrue des Rangers Matt Rempe ? Un regard sur son combat de l’obscurité à la LNH

[The Athletic] Qui est la recrue des Rangers Matt Rempe ? Un regard sur son combat de l’obscurité à la LNH



  1. Typical-Ad-6730

    Rempe has been quite effective in the games where he hasn’t fought.
    Pretty funny when he fell last night. It looks like he works twice as hard just to keep that big body upright on skates. The bottom line is he is always working hard. Short shifts straight plays and big hits.

  2. MyNameIsLegend

    I’m really glad that Peter Baugh moved over to the Rangers on the Athletic, it’s the best writing we’ve had there. Article’s a good look into Rempe. He seems like a really great dude, and it’s easy to appreciate his enthusiasm.

    That said, I am kinda worried that his “Rempesanity” run will keep him in the lineup more than he deserves. I don’t think he’s been completely out of place on the ice, but I was more impressed by Edstrom when he was up. Looking further ahead, both Berard and Othmann will be pushing for roster spots and could even shift Cuylle down to the 4th line. I just don’t want us to ice a worse lineup to satisfy people that prefer physical play over good play, not to say that Rempe can’t provide both. I’d be interested in seeing what he looks like when he doesn’t have to share the ice with Goodrow.

    On another note, solid book choice by Kreider with Name of the Wind. Maybe don’t read the sequel unless we’ve got confirmation of a 3rd one. Spoiler, that 3rd book is never coming out 🙁

  3. Cute-Escape2751

    Really interesting article! I love that Kreider is lending him books. And lol @ that tidbit about a « x days without a Rempe incident » board. He’s like a giant, excited puppy that doesn’t understand how big he actually is.

    I wonder if he’ll stick around come the playoffs. He didn’t play at all in the third yesterday, which could indicate that the coaching team doesn’t really trust him yet. Then again, I have never seen him make any plays that were particularly bad or dangerous, unlike certain other players …

  4. RhythmTimeDivision

    I hate paywalls almost as much as I hate Devil fans.

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