@Canadiens de Montréal

« Il sera un si bon entraîneur… Je pense qu’il a l’un des esprits les plus intéressants en matière de hockey. Il ne peut pas donner toutes ses pensées à son équipe car il se passe beaucoup de choses là-dedans… il va être formidable, vous êtes entre de bonnes mains ici. – John Tortorella aujourd’hui sur Marty St-Louis

« Il sera un si bon entraîneur… Je pense qu’il a l’un des esprits les plus intéressants en matière de hockey. Il ne peut pas donner toutes ses pensées à son équipe car il se passe beaucoup de choses là-dedans… il va être formidable, vous êtes entre de bonnes mains ici. – John Tortorella aujourd’hui sur Marty St-Louis



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  2. RoboticAnatomy

    Regardless of your opinion of Torts; He can be the funniest coach in the league, makes for some great soundbites and speaks his mind. I respect the hell out of him for it.

    He’s the Gordon Ramsey of coaches. Has a bad rep from people that don’t really follow him, and think he just yells at everyone. He gets heated, sure, sometimes overly so, but he’ll usually only scream at you if you deserve it (lazy, lying, not participating to your fullest). But if you show up everytime and try, he’ll fight tooth-and-nail for you, and take any undeserved heat coming your way. If you try and compete every night, he’s your best friend. If you slack off and have no work ethic, he’ll give you the fourth degree until you get one or get out.

    Never change, Torts.

  3. Phil_Atelist

    Say what you want about Torts, his players appreciate him. He demands 100% from his players and he insists on accountability. Sound familiar? No he’s not cuddly and affable with the press, but he does get results.

  4. Go_Habs_Go31

    > “It’s always great to see him. I’m so happy with Mason & his family & how things have calmed down a little bit. I talked to Marty right on through that, so I’m really happy his family is okay.”

    > – John Tortorella today on Marty St-Louis

  5. nhabster

    Bring him on the staff when he’s done with Philly lol

  6. BackgroundMiserable5

    Our perception of Torts is based on post game interviews…that’s about the only time we get to see him.

    Considering the inane, lame questions sports reporters ask, can you blame him for being prickly? I mean the questions these sports ‘reporters’ ask are just mindless.

    He doesn’t suffer fools. At all.

    And the scrums are full of them.

  7. jiggs99

    Torts is very respectful when talking to his player’s Mom’s. Respect (From youtube videos. Funny and wholesome AF). He’s A-OK in my book.

  8. Charble1

    Was this picture taken from inside the Shadow Realm?

  9. AwkwardBlacksmith275

    Now only if he can get Matheson to play his actual position.

  10. CakeYaSan

    Thanks Torts, you answered well, you may now leave the Void of Darkness.

  11. pocket4spaghetti

    Flyers fan here. Just want to say how much I love watching Slaf thrive. I absolutely think he’s going to be a force in the league. If we weren’t playing tonight, I’d be rooting for you.

  12. RuariWasTaken

    Ask Torts as interesting question and he’ll give you a thoughtful answer.

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