@Red Wings de Détroit

PERTE DE CAPITAL ET RED WINGS/PROSPECTS ft. Scott Wheeler – Podcast Winged Wheel – 27 mars 2024

Chapeau Grand Rapids Griffins x WWP + billets de match : https://offer.fevo.com/grand-rapids-griffins-vs-rockford-icehogs-4esvm5k-9f02014?fevoUri=grand-rapids-griffins-vs-rockford-icehogs- 4esvm5k-9f02014%2F Les Red Wings de Détroit ont eu une grosse opportunité contre un rival en séries éliminatoires, et ils n’en ont pas profité – mais ils ne sont pas repartis sans rien. Restez à l’écoute pendant que nous discutons des Red Wings et de leur défaite en prolongation contre les Capitals de Washington, y compris le but et les erreurs d’Alex DeBrincat de l’autre côté de la rondelle, les buts de Perron et Patrick Kane, Alex Lyon faisant son travail, les revirements malheureux et les couvertures manquées de Copp. , Seider, Larkin, Maatta et autres, les non-tirs de Jeff Petry et bien d’autres de la troupe de Derek Lalonde (4:50). Ensuite, un aperçu du calendrier à venir de Hockeytown et du statut des séries éliminatoires contre les Capitals, les Flyers et les Islanders (19:45). Après cela, nous donnons aux Red Wings des mises à jour sur les prospects alors que Berggren a été renvoyé, Emmitt Finnie a signé son ELC, Axel Sandin Pellikka, Sebastian Cossa/les Griffins de Grand Rapids, et plus (26:55) avant d’être rejoint par Scott Wheeler de The Athletic discutera du pipeline d’espoirs des Red Wings de Détroit (Edvinsson, ASP, Augustine, Cossa, Mazur, Johnasson, Wallinder, Danielson et autres), ainsi que des espoirs du repêchage 2024 de la LNH (Celebrini, Demidov, Eiserman, Perekh, Buium). et plus (31h30) ! Enfin, quelques notes positives sur Vladimir Konstantinov avant de répondre à vos questions et commentaires lors de notre segment des heures supplémentaires (1:05:30) – profitez-en ! Rendez-vous sur wingedwheelpodcast.com pour trouver toutes les façons d’écouter, comment soutenir l’émission et bien plus encore ! Abonnez-vous à la chaîne YouTube d’EBW : https://www.youtube.com/@ExpectedbyWhom Rendez-vous sur bit.ly/labatt_wingedwheelpodcast pour trouver Labatt dans les magasins près de chez vous dès aujourd’hui ! Doit avoir 21 ans et plus. Profitez toujours de manière responsable. #ad CSCP Charity : https://kimmuirpowerskating.com/special-needs —– Merci de faire de nous le plus gros podcast des Red Wings de Détroit à l’antenne ! #RedWings #LGRW Site Web : https://www.wingedwheelpodcast.com Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/wingedwheelpodcast Twitter : https://www.twitter.com/WingedWheelPod (Consultez la bio pour suivre les hôtes !) Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/wingedwheelpodcast Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/wingedwheelpodcast Écoutez sur… Podcasts Apple : https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/winged- wheel-podcast/id969768868 Podcasts Google : https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cDovL2ZlZWRzLmZlZWRidXJuZXIuY29tL1dpbmdlZFdoZWVsUG9kY2FzdA%3D%3D Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/6Wp4fEi1EO741UlxPM GtaS SoundCloud : https://open. spotify.com/show/6Wp4fEi1EO741UlxPMGtaS Flux RSS : http://wingedwheelpodcast.libsyn.com/rss


  1. We weren't even supposed to make it in the playoffs this year.
    It almost seemed like as soon as we were almost going to be a lock, the team just…..stopped playing lol. It was like by design.
    Regardless, next year will have this core four:
    Larkin, Raymond, Seider, Debrincat

  2. I was 20 feet away from that missed empty net by everyones favorite defenseman Jeff Petry. Hurt me deep watching that one. Im glad I got to see an exciting game at least. LGRW 🐙 🏒 🤘

  3. There is no universe where wally comes back and there's any kind of justification to send ed away over petry or maata

  4. I feel if Washington can beat Winnipeg and Carolina then so can Detroit. Is it likely? No. But it's optimism. We probably finish where Pittsburgh did last year so let's see what may come. This season to me has been a huge confidence booster. No reason we can't improve the roster and make better signings granted we can off load so lme spots as well

  5. Red Wings are top 12. Who are the elite scoring wingers?
    How could they attain top 2 without once winning the draft lottery? That would be an incredible spell of adding talent.

  6. I’m done with Lalonde and Yzerman. Five years in and this team is still a mess. Copp, Chiarot, Compher, Petry, Holl, Ghost…brutal. Then you got picks that aren’t even encouraging, Kasper and Danielson are low ceiling AHL guys.

  7. Edvinsson had the yips in the first, but really calmed down in the 2nd and 3rd. I understood when they didn't play him when the Wings were hot and the Griffins were on a run(still are without). But now that this team has only won 3 games out of their last 13 you cannot play Petry instead of Edvinsson if Walman comes back. You just can't.

  8. It is what it is. I hate that phrase, but the Wings do still have a chance. They can still make it. All it takes is a Caps losing streak or for the Flyers to stay cold. If the Wigs manage to get two out of three in CAR, FLA, or TB… I think they still make it. With that said, Yzerman and Lalonde did tell us all to not expect playoffs again this past offseason, and this has been my position as well. The team is still learning, still growing, and right now, they're still a very mid bubble team that was predicted by most to fall to seventh in the division this season. We have absolutely improved, and unless we pull a Sabres or Sens next season (doubtful), we should be a playoff lock.

  9. Why didn’t Steve sign OReilly over Compher? I like JT but OReilly can comfortably flex into a 1C and can be an excellent 2C and was cheaper than JT as well 😂 probably wouldn’t have gone on that skid with OReilly as 1C when Larks was out

  10. Scott Wheeler was a good listen, I had to laugh though when he said the Wings missed the boat on top 5 picks. Constantly getting pushed 2-3 picks back. More like the NHL tossed us overboard.

  11. Yes, Petry passing that puck was really bad. And when Walman is back, I'd rather have him and Edvisson over Petry, but Petry's game against the Caps was solid. He had an assist and should have been credited for a secondary apple on the Kane goal. Plus, the Petry/Edvisson pairing looked like a competent pairing. Judging Petry on that one play and lumping the Caps-game performance in with the rest of the bad Petry play this season is not hitting the mark for me.

  12. I see some folks think Seider should get a long-term contract in the 8 mil per year. That is ridiculous! He is average at best, and 5 mil would be the top of the range on a 3 year deal.

  13. LAex Lyon for some reason at this time is bad luck even though he is playing good but James Reimer even though he is playing average may end winning all the upcoming games.

  14. I was at the Wings/Caps game and there were a lot of Wings fans there. After Kane tied the game we were so hyped….we could taste that OT win….and then so much disappointment.That missed chance by Petry….ouch! Here's hoping they play with more desperation/determination tonight against the Canes. They played a good game but not a great game against the Caps. They need to find some intensity from here on out if they're going to sneak back into that wild card spot.

  15. I agree the blame for the March (and a lesser extent the December) swoons are on the players, but my criticism of Lalonde goes deeper than strategy and call-ups, but in his continual referral to the Wings as being "fragile". Regardless of whether it's TRUE, a coach shouldn't label them as such publicly. It gives them an out, characterizes them as head cases, and is the antithesis of a motivational tool. The NHL doesn't use specificity when disclosing physical injuries, and a coach shouldn't allude to the team as being mentally injured or weak either. Unless you're Tortorella of course.

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