@Kraken de Seattle

Article d’appréciation de Tye Kartye

Cet homme fait preuve de plus d’âme de hockeyeur que la moitié de cette équipe et est prêt à se sacrifier pour défendre ses coéquipiers. J’adore cet enfant.



  1. PlanetMercy

    Watching him play fills me with desire to live.

  2. rrose456

    He’s had my heart from the first game he played in the playoffs last season!!

  3. cat_catcity

    I hope we keep him for a long time. He’s got the pepper pot/turbo energy 100% of the time and we desperately need that.

  4. NorEastahBunny

    That’s what I appreciates about ya

  5. PSGooner

    I miss Tye playing for the Firebirds, but so happy to see him playing Kraken.

  6. jet8493

    I love tye Kartye like I love winning


  7. Foreign_Emotion

    I’ve said this before to my pops, but whenever something good is happening on the ice, whenever there’s a high effort play developing, Kartye is there. This guy is high effort, all gas, no brakes, and I’m so happy he’s with us this season. Hope we get many more with him!

  8. BayAreaKrakHead

    This kid is a beast and he’s just getting started. He goes all out every shift. Glad to see him get the game winner!

  9. deadfan52

    Let’s go Karts. Proud to have his jersey!

  10. Hilinner

    He has so much heart. One of the reasons why he’s one of my favorites. ❤️

  11. priority_inversion

    He was willing to go 1v4 when Winterton was getting hassled after a shot on goal.

  12. PharPhromNormal420

    Karts is a STUD and will be a long time fan favorite.

  13. Intelligent-Meal-991

    I said it here before by Ty is like a golden retriever, he is always ready to go and will chase after picks like no one else.

  14. Safe_Ad5951

    My favorite player on the team. Plays every game like it’s the Cup final and you can see the joy on his face. True team player, has guts for days, and I hope he is with us for a long time. KEEP HIM RON.

  15. phanfare

    Almost dropped the $1.5k for his jersey last minute of the pride auction cause of how he played tonight. I’ve been a fan ever since he was pulled up for the playoffs. Hes so scrappy, you love to see it.

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