@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Tu adores le voir

Josh Doan vient de marquer les deux premiers buts de sa carrière avec son papa ours, Shane Doan, qui regarde depuis la sky box avec sa famille. Le premier but était une pure joie mais le deuxième était un peu fou car les maillots commençaient à se détacher. Cela et bien plus encore dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui !


  1. I remember seeing Baby Doaners learning how to skate at AZ Ice and seeing him dominating in the AHL then coming up and showing the Yotes he's ready to help this team is crazy! Makes me feel old but I'm glad to see another Doaners on the Ice for the Yotes! All they need now is to win the bid for the land up here on North Phoenix and this team will have an even brighter future!!❤😎

  2. Parents going apeshit for their kids who followed them into the pros is one of my favorite things.

  3. Eck I hope you watched the Dallas Vancouver game tonight, it was crazy intense. Lots of ref controversies, but a freaking good hockey game by both teams!

  4. Ayyy, you covered it. Good job. Loved how everyone on reddit was crying nepotism the day before and then he silenced them immediately. Had two assists tonight too. 4 points, 2 games. Good start.

  5. Not a Coyotes fan, but always like Shane Doan, and very cool to see his son carry on with the same franchise

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