@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Wow, cela m’a pris au dépourvu.

Si quelqu’un a besoin de bien rire. Apportez-vous quelque chose de spécial de la part des fans de Detroit.



  1. This guy is just trying to play NHL24 in real life, lol

  2. Wende11X

    Coop aint moving from Tampa to Detroit just based on moving from Tampa to Detroit. Never mind the hockey part

  3. Clemburger

    Didn’t Brisebois hire him first in Syracuse? I think he’s always been JBBs guy

  4. strokesoflightning

    « Heading into a rebuild » and we’re still making the playoffs over them lmfao

  5. krakatoa83

    The bolts ain’t the rays. We aren’t their farm system. They can suck it

  6. BrolexRolex

    Wings literally just poached Lalonde from us and think they’re getting Coop after 1 season? lmao

  7. JigglinCheeks

    Delete the winningest coach. That’s how you win.

  8. Jlindahl93

    Yeah Cooper is just going to up and leave the organization that has believed in him since the beginning and has done nothing but continued to believe in him. There’s a reason the longest tenured employee is the video coach top to bottom Vinik has an organization that people buy into and like being a part of.

    In other words: Hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha that’s fucking stupid.

  9. kiezenz

    Forget the Cooper part I’m more concerned with people thinking there is gonna be a race after Fedorov

  10. Hypercutter

    Red Wings last made the playoffs in 2017.

    Let them dream, they bottled making it this year (More than likely) and Kane probably leaves in the off-season.

    Raymond and Seider need extensions this off-season, so there’s every chance that they will be WORSE next year. It would not surprise me if we don’t see the Red Wings in the playoffs until 26/27 or 27/28.

  11. MisterEinc

    I’m convinced Coops next move is to a PWHL team where he’ll promptly win a ship.

  12. Blade_of_3

    Makes sense from a Detroit fan. All they have known in their lifetime is rebuilding. Almost feel bad.

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