@Blues de Saint-Louis

Faits saillants du match : Sharks 4, Blues 0

Faits saillants d’une défaite 0-4 des Blues de St. Louis contre les Sharks de San Jose le 30 mars 2024.


  1. I need to look up another word for embarrassing because embarrassing doesn't cover it,see ya all next season

  2. Krug was -3 and played almost 22 minutes. He's on the 1st powerplay unit and is -30 this season. Why is Bannister playing him 22 minutes a game?

  3. This team sucks ass, I was pissed off watching the whole game, we had so many chances but of course we didn’t capitalize on any of them. Also how do we lose to the worst team in the league, like what the hell. Bannister get your shit together. I have no clue what is happening with this team. Next season will have to be better. It is what it is, I guess we suck. The only thing I found cool was the spin-o-rama Kryou did on one of the defenders of the sharks. Let’s go blues forever ❤😢

  4. Embarrassing 😢! If the Blues can’t beat the Sharks, they don’t deserve to be in the playoffs.

  5. Okay, yeah this was waay too tough to swallow but… just goes to show you all it takes is missed chances while other team plays just a little harder even when outshot yet gets a few breaks and… there you go… home for p/o's! Blue Ballers had been playing pretty good, folks. We put selves in bad position almost all season long.

  6. Boy did we pick a bad time to tank it, can't even play like crap down the stretch and hope for a high draft pick at this point.

  7. That was embarrassing. The Sharks, prior to tonights game had SIXTEEN wins. This should have been an open and shut win. What a joke performance, boys

  8. zero.zero. that's the percentage probability that we forget this game in time to save this coach and team. tonight they clearly said: we're done, go watch baseball. cool. go back to whatever fucking country you're from…be sure to stare at your hair in the mirror at least 6 hrs a day…find some other town to rip off…bc you don't give two shits about the hard working city that is paying you here. gtfo

  9. When the going gets tough, the lack of talent and/or determination by many members of this team becomes painfully obvious.

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