@Canucks de Vancouver

Les Canucks éteignent les flammes !

Nous sommes officiellement à moins d’un mois des playoffs ! Rick Tocchet et son équipe d’entraîneurs ont récemment expérimenté ces lignes et, comme des scientifiques fous, ont obtenu des résultats révélateurs. Conor Garland a revigoré le jeu d’Elias Pettersson, et Noah Juulsen s’est bien installé aux côtés de Nikita Zadorov sur la troisième paire. Avec la victoire de ce soir, les Canucks reviennent à la première place de la ligue ! La course au Trophée du Président est de retour, mais les Canucks ont les yeux rivés sur le plus gros prix… Comme toujours, si vous avez apprécié ma répartition, n’hésitez pas à aimer, commenter et vous abonner !


  1. I'm no Jomboy but when Miller got tripped and spun towards Marky after the whistle, he said to Marky "God I really wanted that one".

  2. Sure, these games for the Canucks are not without their mistakes. But the way they're playing defensively generally is the way you need to play to win championships. Everyone for the most part is coming back and making defensive players. I figured Lindholm was injured by the way he was playing because I've seen him play much better, even recently with Calgary after his hot shot line mates left. Having said that, he's been like Guy Charbonneau since coming here, which isn't a bad thing. I've seen him make defensive plays and on the PK like nobody else on the team. He just knows what to do when he gets the puck in the defensive zone. A couple of games ago, right after killing off a PK, he got the puck in his own end, and skated it out to the neutral zone before dumping it just far enough so that everyone could change up without taking an icing. I was so impressed with that and those are things that a lot of fans ignore and don't end up on the score sheet because they aren't dramatic. He's the king of low event hockey and that's what you need in the playoffs when everyone tightens up. Hopefully when Demko gets back, they keep this up. I don't want them to sacrifice wins for "exciting hockey." Some fans seem to think it's the 80s. I'll take boring, 1995 Devils hockey if it means a Stanley Cup parade. Just win.

  3. Elias petterson with NIls Höglander and Jonathan Lekkerimaki would be a treat to watch for sure. The kid is incredible

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