@Sabres de Buffalo

Cozens à propos du public : « C’est quelque chose. Si nous pouvions un jour obtenir ce soutien sur la route, ce serait génial. » #Sabres

Cozens à propos du public : « C’est quelque chose. Si nous pouvions un jour obtenir ce soutien sur la route, ce serait génial. » #Sabres



  1. Son_Of_The_Empire

    Me on Cozens: « It’s something. If you could score a goal like that on an open net someday, it would be great. »

  2. Yea it will when our players don’t treat the powerplay like a penalty kill….

  3. BlumpJohnson69

    If the leafs missed the playoffs 13 years in a row they wouldn’t travel very well.

  4. They are so full of shit, like come on…

  5. highfalutinspork

    This fucking team and the constant whining about the crowd. Boys, it’s not rocket surgery. Play well, we happy. Play bad, we unhappy. If you play bad don’t expect happy.

  6. YoungTroubadour

    Haven’t seen the video but I’m taking this as a « That is the level we want to be at » not a passive aggressive « Why aren’t our fans supporting us »

  7. PeoplesFrontOfJudeaa

    Rich coming from a dude who took a 7 x 7 deal.

    Just fucking show up and the fans will

    Just ship the team out to Arizona after the Yotes go to salt lake.

  8. StartButtonPress

    He should know: it’s completely possible. The Sabres have a huge fanbase that is dormant. Go into next season with fury and fire. Take every loss personally. Fight for your teammates every game.

    We will be waiting, but the players have to go first.

  9. Hockeyman74

    These guys have no idea how rabid buffalo hockey fans can be

  10. OpanaG76

    They’re lucky this isn’t happening in a big market. They’d have people at the doors of their houses. But big markets would never let this happen.

  11. Great-Reference9322

    I’m really starting to turn on almost every guy on this team. They understand that winning and playing well will bring the fans back right? Watch videos from the 00’s and the crowd is electric. Wanna know why? Because the team actually gave a shit. Now we just have a bunch of whiny players signed to easy contracts and they don’t need to or want to give a shit. Trade Cozens for all I care, the guy is a shadow of himself.

  12. comicsanscatastrophe

    Look, I know it’s supposed to be unconditional for a fan to support their team. This franchise really, really has tested that the last 13 years. I used to be a really passionate Sabres fan I’d say from my first season watching full time in 2007-2008 (I was 11) to around 2017. Since then there’s been some blips of optimism, but the passion has largely withered and died. I don’t think you can blame a fan who’s tuned out, dispassionate, or wanting more out of their team to point where they boo, when a franchise has been this bad for this long. I think they should be happy fans come at all. Back in 2009 I’d be elated to go to a game. The atmosphere was night and day from the depression incarnate it is now. Packed house, fans lively and engaged, little things like the “Population of Pominville”. It was such a good time, even if we lost. I want that back. I’m not sure how long it will take, I’ve been asking that question for almost ten years now. Not sure if this is even relevant to the post, I just needed to throw my thoughts somewhere.

  13. QuantumCat11

    Cozens isn’t criticizing fans here. He said it’d be great to get support like that on the road.

    There’s plenty to loathe the Sabres for without deliberately misreading the guy’s message.

  14. Backwoods_84

    These constant comments about the fans are the reason why we need to fire the coach. These guys are a joke. They are so out of touch.

    A better coach would put them through a fucking meat grinder for complaining about the fans when you put this dog shit hockey out there

  15. Cyntech89

    I saw you on the road this year. You lost 8-3.

  16. matt8mo

    “Re Cozens interview, don’t take it out of context from one small piece on X. He also said, « I know we have to earn it. We all know in this room we have to earn it. We understand it’s been a long time. We have to get that support back by by being a good team and winning games. » Important context

  17. Pizza-n-Coffee37

    So, I’ve spoken to some Toronto fans over the years and the reason they come here so often and other Canadian fans, is because most of them are priced out of their own stadiums. Even paying the price that our season ticket holders charge, which is a profit, they can afford to buy our tickets. When there are so many premium seats available on the market at a win-win, why wouldn’t they travel here. Plus they all stop at Trader Joe’s while they’re in town.

  18. normalbrain609

    i’m so sick of these fucking kids man lmao

  19. pelc8614

    Hope Cozens realizes their home record is 17-17-1. And their away record is 17-16-4. Weird its like the Sabres are mediocre when they play hockey ANYWHERE IN THE MULTIVERSE

  20. jewsh-sfw

    Are they saying they want people outside of Buffalo to be fans or they want people in Buffalo to travel on away games because both sound pretty hilarious to me 😂 NHL games are expensive I don’t even want to buy at home tickets lmfao I’d rather save up and go to baseball games in nyc or Toronto at least I know the Yankees and Mets have a chance to win hell I’d even be more hyped for a blue jays game and I’m not even a fan 😂

  21. justhereformemes8

    This team cares more about the fans not treating them like gods than they are making the fucking playoffs.

    If only they cared about making the playoffs as much as they care about the fans booing them we’d be competing for the presidents trophy.

    Someone get ahold of the Charmin bear, he should be our new mascot.

    Are we the teams scapegoat? Lmfao I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we are some nights.

  22. TheDannyBoyCane

    Maybe a few less quotes about the fans from these boys and a few more quotes about how they plan on turning this shit around.

  23. RedditorDave

    It’s important to say that the entire quote isn’t as bad as this snippet.

  24. joeyg151785

    Sure! Let me spend hundreds of dollars to travel to another teams place just to get heckled and laughed at while we get our asses kicked. Yeah, No thanks!

  25. StartButtonPress

    I did not feel that today had an effort problem. I wouldn’t have booed if I was there, and I didn’t find myself feeling anything but bummed.

    I would have booed the Ottawa game and the Columbus game, and that’s it.

  26. -MarchToTheSea-

    Well fans have been asking for a decent team for years . We can’t all have everything

  27. These reporters are gonna keep asking players about the crowd and this sub will just keep eating the bait when players respond. Its actually worse than the leafs now. What a miserable subreddit.

  28. jryvin327

    Win games and you will get support keep losing and you will get booed

  29. diebytheblade15

    They used to. In Florida… when their leading scorers didn’t fall off the face of a cliff after massive paydays.

  30. intolerable__snowman

    Getting fucking sick of these comments from players. We owe them nothing, make the playoffs for once

  31. jerthebear

    He’s played in Tampa and Florida. About 40% of the crowd in those games are cheering for the Sabres. Last year in Tampa, when Boosh scored the OT winner, the building absolutely erupted. This fucking team gets support from all over the god damn world when their playing well and working hard.

  32. DueZookeepergame1924

    If we could get an NHL team to show up on the road, it would be great!

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