@Blues de Saint-Louis

Sujet d’après-match : Oilers d’Edmonton contre St Louis Blues – 01 avril 2024

2023021186 STL gagne, 2 – 3 OT.

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  1. Carpet_Tree


  2. A_Berry_Nice_User

    And I cannot express this enough… RECK LESS OPTIMISM 

  3. DentistCrentist16


  4. Tonight we shall bathe in the tears of r/hockey!

  5. radsherm

    Kings fans being pissed makes me happy. Thank you Jets for not being futile for once.

  6. mhanna86

    That sharks loss is gonna be the difference between making the playoffs and missing isn’t it


    ^Los ^Angeles ^has ^lost ^3 ^in ^a ^row

  8. Tight-Transition-364

    How tf do you beat the Oilers and lose 4-0 to the fucking sharks! Infuriating

  9. russianspy_1989

    I miss this one, but I’m home for that fiasco against the Sharks. FML!

  10. Mathracer101

    I called this in the pregame. This team won’t stop pulling us back in. RECKLESS OPTIMISM

  11. fallonc9716

    that 2nd period was unlike anything I’ve ever seen

  12. Pantsman1084

    3 Stars of the Game:

    ⭐ – Schenn

    ⭐⭐ – Saad

    ⭐⭐⭐ – Ekholm

    They aren’t dead yet!

    It’s still a big hill to climb but we’ll just have to see what happens.

    Games like this are what makes games like Saturday hurt even more. It’s amazing how the Blues have played to other teams’ levels this year, for better or worse.

  13. childishbambino19

    Now if we can get the Kraken and Sharks to beat LA, we might have something.

    Also, a couple big games tomorrow for teams who have not quite shaken us completely yet:
    BOS @ NASH
    VANC @ VEG

    Like Joaquin Andujar always said: Ju-neba-no.

  14. Mab_894

    I’ve been very critical of Schenn recently but he had a hell of a game. Awesome to see

  15. Supersonic564

    Someone please explain to me what our playoff chances are now. Are we chasing the GKs or the Kings?

  16. Critical-General-659

    Really excited for next year even if we don’t make playoffs. Sucks the spark has come a little late, but blues fans have a lot to look forward to. Saad has been pretty solid ever since we signed, Binnington is playing at his best. One more good offensive or defensive piece were right back in it with this team. 

  17. Mathracer101

    Guys, the kings play the sharks in a few days, we are fine.

  18. Chance_Pie_8126

    Wow, Oilers fans are seething rn 😂😂😂

  19. IAmOnFireAMA

    Woooo! When we play up we play pretty well but when we play down it’s pretty bad lol.

    Saad has consistently pulled through when we need him.

  20. Boards_Buds_and_Luv

    My confidence in any given victory is inversely proportional to the opposing teams skill level

  21. Assuming LA wins their game in hand, I believe that means we have to win 4 more games than LA does over the remaining 7 games

    LA plays: Seattle, *San Jose*, Vancouver, *Anaheim* (2x), *Calgary*, *Minnesota*, *Chicago*

    We play: Nashville, *San Jose*, *Anaheim*, *Chicago*, Carolina, Seattle, Dallas.

    Assuming we **win out**, LA can only win at most 4 of their remaining 7 games (after a hypothetical game in hand win).

  22. AndersonSupertramp

    I hate this team but I would jump in front of the metrolink for any of them.

  23. BHach0141

    Thomas needs to get his shit together. Why anyone hasn’t called him out is beyond me. 

  24. friendofborbs

    I’m going to Nashville Thursday let’s GOOOOO

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