@Flyers de Philadelphie

4/1 PHI contre. Après-match de la JNI : Ivan Fedotov

Écoutez Ivan Fedotov après une défaite de 4-3 en prolongation contre les Islanders.


  1. His puck handling is very good ‘ plus he made a lot of big saves’ he sure kept us in the game ‘ and got a crucial point

  2. Phillys still rebuilding..when they get the right players they would be capable of beating anybody!! Go flyers❤🇺🇲🇬🇧

  3. For a profession that should take some pride in their ability to communicate, these media folk don't seem too hot at wording their questions coherently for a new English speaker. Fedotov was great both during the game and here in post.

  4. I give props to this guy for giving interviews with no translator. You can tell he is trying his hardest to communicate in a foreign language to give a genuine answer, and also isn't afraid to admit when he doesn't understand. I think that shows his character and work ethic. Rooting for you, Ivan.

  5. Наконец-то смог осуществить свою мечту и сбежать из колхозной лиги КХЛ. Молодец Иван, продолжай становиться лучше

  6. Much respect to Ivan for being strong enough to serve at the Navy and then come back to play at the top level and then jump to NHL, he's definitely mentally strong, hopefully he'd spend a good pre-season and progress in a league. My best wishes. I had an opportunity to watch him live at CSKA before the army and this season, he's definitely a very experienced guy ready for pressure and challenges, knowing what it takes to step up at the playoffs. Of course, NHL is different in terms of speed and rules but I suppose he'd progress and not party instead of training.

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