@Flyers de Philadelphie

4/1 PHI contre NYI Après-match : John Tortorella

L’entraîneur-chef des Flyers, John Tortorella, s’adresse aux médias après une défaite de 4-3 en prolongation contre les Islanders.


  1. Wow. That is most fired up Torts I have seen this year. I feel like he summed up what it feels like to be Flyers fan for past 15 years.

  2. Torts’s reaction is the same as mine. Glad he’s identifying who works and who doesn’t rather than giving the typical post-game “nothings wrong” speech most coaches do. Could peak at a great time remember the Panthers last season 👀

  3. lets go torts put this team in the place it needs to be. i dont care about this post season i think we all know nothing special is gonna happen, so hopefully the focus is on building a strong team for next season. I am embarrassed for this team right now

  4. He's right. That second period was embarrassing and there are certain players that are wearing the uniform, but aren't performing.

  5. C’mon torts yesterday you said they were tired? Finding things out? Maybe you could find out more from the press box! Maybe time to bench yourself torts!

  6. He’s right; that second period was embarrassing the way they played in front of Fedotov. Finding out who’s the real deal now.

  7. Torts is probably happy Coots got hurt. Gives him a reason to scratch him without the criticism from everybody around him.

    Such a weird up and down game with a crazy finish but for for that OT, just play the damn game! Stop playing games and doing this bs meta of circling for 2 minutes trying to tire out the other side. Just play hockey and get some zone pressure

  8. Well said. Thank you Torts. Getting all the info on the money grubbing babies in the room now. What a great coach!! Cant wait until all the guys slowly skating back to the bench on line change are GONE! Skate or die! Orange and black needs to be in your veins to play here. You dont want to play, we dont want you. Get lost spoiled brats. Im so proud of Torts how hes played this, so smart. Another cup coming for Torts soon. With Philly! YES YES YES!

  9. Torts sending a message to the under performing players on the team, they won't be back next year.

  10. This is why players hate playing for him.He acts like no one tried,except the goalie.Please,stop the Drama every time there's a Loss.Rangers were totally outplayed tonight,but Lavi won't react like this Jerk.

  11. He's trying to light a fire under them. Knows if he doesn't they won't have a chance to make the playoffs. I'm a wings fan but am enjoying this playoff chase between wings, flyers and caps.

  12. Put that Russian kid in goal Friday night Johnny—us Buffalonians will have a can of whoop ass a waitin’ 🚨🚨🚨

  13. I think the most embarrassing thing was those f—king uniforms—you NEVER let a Kindergarten art class design a hockey jersey! 💭💭💭

  14. What a disappointment this team is. The pride I felt a week or two ago is gone. I am sick and tired of this nonsense. Sick and effing tired…..!

  15. I love it. It's refreshing hearing a coach be honest instead of sugar coating things, like Mike Sullivan does after every Pens game. Even if the Pens lose 5-0 Sullivan is like "we competed hard."

  16. Damn right torts. This has been totally embarrassing. We are seeing what this team is made of. Gonna blow it with 10 games left

  17. Courts probably has played his last game as a Flyer Atkinson also like they might as well not even make the playoffs to be honest with you

  18. That’s what we needed to hear from our coach as Flyers fans. Laughten, Cotourier, Atkinson, Farabee, these guys are supposed to be veteran leaders, instead they are embarrassing, enough already. These guys must not be part of this team next year. Thumbs up to Fedotov!

  19. Cotourier – 1 point last 14 games. These guys are not playing. Coach should be fired for dressing those guys.

  20. Torts is right. He said the other night they are tired, but also said every team is tired. The simple fact is we have no 1st line talent. No big strong crease clearing dmen. What we do have is alot of 3rd and 4th liners with some kids that could be good one day. This is Danny's first full season and he inherited most of this team and has made some great draft picks already. He needs time, but it's now they have to evaluate who wants to be a Flyer. I dont see many right now unfortunately. The poise Ivan showed is very hopeful. Drysdale had some rust, but is going to be good. Tyson, Noah and maybe York are in there also. TK maybe a 2nd line player and emotional leader along with Seeler in the back. But, from there? Alot of work to be done.

  21. Whatever happens, either Tortorella or couturier won't be there next season.
    However, i can't see rookie GM Daniel Brière sacking Tortorella. Brière is too intimidated by Tortorella.

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