@Avalanche du Colorado

Kovalenko portera le 51. Il patine aujourd’hui avec l’entraîneur des habiletés Toby Petersen. Et news bonus : Val patine aussi

Kovalenko portera le 51. Il patine aujourd’hui avec l’entraîneur des habiletés Toby Petersen. Et news bonus : Val patine aussi



  1. macandcheesejones

    We might as well just rename the team the Colorado Nukes, because without him this team is goin nowhere, fast.

  2. derek6437

    This team is so different with big Val in the lineup. He is certainly a difference maker and I look forward to him hitting the ice again soon! He was my runner up for the most valuable player in the finals in 2022.

  3. RustyMacbeth

    Thank god. We are just not the same without Chu-chu.

  4. norrisdt

    This is cool that he’ll (continue to) wear his dad’s number.

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