@Canucks de Vancouver

Sujet d’après-match : Canucks de Vancouver vs Golden Knights de Vegas – 02 avril 2024

2023021196 VAN perd, 3 – 6 .

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  1. eliar91

    They need to sit Petey for a couple of games. I don’t know if he’s playing through something but he’s been basically a complete non factor since the extension minus a few goals here and there.

  2. RailroadingFreedom

    Straight zeros across the board for ep40 again. At least he doubled his shot output from last game.
    2 SOG tonight

  3. IAmWench

    Still think they were hungover af. Rewatch a lot of it. More worried If tomorrow is shit.

  4. HanSolo5643

    That was absolutely pathetic. Yes, DeSmith wasn’t very good, and he did let in some goals that Demko probably doesn’t. But the whole team didn’t start on time, and by the time they actually woke up, the damage was done. You can’t go down by 3 goals after the first period against Vegas on the road. The breakdown defensively reminded me of the ones we saw when Bruce Boudreau was coaching this team. The special teams continue to be awful. The penalty kill can’t seem to find its footing on a consistent basis, and I know Vancouver scored a power play goal, but that 4 minute power play in the first was pathetic. There was no urgency and no puck movement. Something with the special teams needs to be fixed and fixed quickly because this will cost the team come the playoffs.

  5. Midget_Sasquatch

    This comment section should be reasonable

  6. pavelbure1096

    I don’t like how Tocchet stopped calling Petey out since he signed his extension, Before he had no problems saying Petey wasn’t good enough, I feel like even Tochett is on cruise control now

  7. kernelcolonel

    Honestly Vegas is a fake ass team, last two games against them proved it

  8. Snookeredinbc

    Can’t expect Desieve to play like a number 1, he’s held up ok since Demko was injured but he is playing at a level where id expect a #2 to play with a heavy workload. Hopefully they can get healthy as playoffs approach

  9. We’re fucked if we meet LV in the playoffs

  10. TheRealMrCC

    Was Bambi even playing tonight? I mean, usually you see him sprawled legs out at some point in the game, but I couldn’t find him anywhere?

  11. AffectionateAd147

    Man do I ever hate grinding for many minutes to get a goal then giving one up in 30 seconds that come after. I saw a lot of urgency from the boys tonight but it SUCKS that it came when we were down 3 goals. That urgency has to be there from the jump if we expect anything more than this.

  12. AccomplishedAd4995

    on a positive note, abby has clinched !

  13. carry-on_replacement

    Can we not scratch Juulsen? Like ever? Cole looks beyond gassed this late in the season and he’s so obviously slow skating rn.

  14. sMc-cMs

    Sometimes the team needs a good ass kicking.

    On the positive side, Vegas winning means they’re one step closer to playing Edmonton in the first round.

    We just need Dallas and Seattle to do us some favours tomorrow night.

  15. BulwarkNuck

    Team: 1st in everything. Record breaking season. Steamrolling everyone. Suffers mild slumping from lack of effort but 3rd and 4th liners usually carry.

    Tocchet: « Lets change everything. Lets put the 3rd and 4th liners in charge. Lets Travis Green Pettersson by signalling I don’t trust him. Lets put JT in a top center position he’s shown time and time again he can’t handle when it’s been handed to him. Lets put Suter and Hogs in the top 6. Lets demote Teddy to 4th line minutes. Lets split up the 3rd line. Lets split up Zadorov and Myers. Lets play Cole. Lets ghost PDG and Mikhi. Lets give Joshua responsibilities above his pay grade. Lets change everything about the power play… »

    I’m not a coach, but, I just don’t get it…

  16. BrokenOfficeChair2

    Ah yes. Bettman’s spoiled child of a franchise.

    Not the most ideal game obviously. The first period was horrible by us, and I blame that on the fact we kept letting odd man rushes happen. The referees didn’t help either. It’s unfair how they always seem to side with Vegas (atleast from what I have seen). That team does not deserve to make the playoffs. They cheat and get away with anything they want. I’m glad they traded all their prospects and picks away, excited for that team to suck for years to come.

    Anyways, very, very unnecessary calls against Zadorov (both calls) and I didn’t see that Blueger call but I assume it was bad. You can only do so much when you have your star goalie out and multiple callups in the lineup with your backup having an off-night.

    I did like Quinn Hughes’ goals, I didn’t watch the third but it 100% felt like 2 teams were being fought in this one.

    On to the next, lets hope for a rebound. Day is ruined not because the Canuck’s lost, but because Vegas won.

  17. BetterAd1611

    I really wanted Bains to succeed, but the experiment is over. Can Lekkermaki come hang for a bit?

  18. eexxiitt

    Kuzzy trade is going to haunt us. What a bad move.

  19. TopTittyBardown

    Frustrating game to lose. They looked good for stretches but between a combination of bad reffing, Thompson having a good game and giving up quick goals whenever we managed to get momentum they just never really had a chance

  20. EricLandy29

    13-10-3 since February 1st. This team is completely unrecognizable from earlier in the season but completely recognizable from what we’ve come to expect. All this talk about learning from games like these, when though?

  21. cbcguy84

    Lost the plot and the game in the first. We came back from 4-1 down vs CBJ but Vegas isn’t CBJ.

    Guaranteed playoffs but can’t play like this in the first going forward. No time to blink, onto Arizona’s tiny arena lmao

  22. ajbolt7

    Honestly the most painful part about this game is how watchable it was. The Canucks were playing some really good offence over the course of the game. While the defensive collapses were just dagger after dagger.

    If the Canucks were outright playing like dogshit I would’ve been able to turn off the game like I normally do when they put up an awful performance. But they were playing well enough that I couldn’t stop watching, there was a lot of entertaining hockey throughout.

  23. Is the sky falling? No, I don’t think so, but I’m extremely disappointed in a lot of the decisions tonight. We didn’t come out to play until the 2-0 goal, which just is not good enough. As good as DeSmith has been, he wasn’t up to par tonight. He really needed to have some of those goals mainly imho the 2-0 goal. He should have been pulled after that. At that point in time, the game is still reachable and sends a message to the team to wake up and slow down Vegas momentum. It’s also early enough in the game where you can run DeSmith tomorrow and not Silvos. After the 2-0 goal, we had some good shifts and got one to put us in the game. But putting Bains for the shift after we scores is an absolute mind-boggling decision end of story. Bains has shown nothing to prove he’s ready in the NHL. Why is he out there at a crucial part of the game where you know vegas is going to come out pushing hard to get that goal back, and that’s exactly what they do. Bains shouldn’t have been in the lineup today but since he was he should have been out there 2-3 shifts after the 2-1 goal it would allow the team to weather the strom a bit more and get some more momentum going our way. I can understand if it’s a one-time mistake, however, it is not. Tochett has done the same thing in the past, and he actually does it tonight AGAIN with Myers after the 5-3 goal. Speaking about Myers, why was he paired so much with Hughes today? I get Zadorov was out. However, that doesn’t mean you have to waste a Hughes shift with Baby sitting, Myers. I’d argue that Myers with Hughes wasn’t even just because of the Zadorovs 5 and a game. We have seen that pairing numerous times throughout the year, and it NEVER works. Stop trying to fit a circle in a square hole it just doesn’t work. Why can’t the coaching staff recognize that sooner? Speaking of poor lineup choices, why weren’t the lotto line together at all during points of this game? After the 5-3 goal that’s the PERFECT time to unite it Hughes scored a 1:30 into the 3rd being able to pressure with our top line would have been huge, and by Virtue of that you’d reunite the Dak Bluger and Garland line that works so well. Rolling both those lines after Hughes’ goal would have really helped swing the momentum of the game in our favor. Now on to Kelly Sutherland… what else is there left to say? His auger « retirement » is already 13 years too late. The High sticking call to Zadorov is absolute bush league. That can not be called speaking of not being called how the hell does it take a fucking linesman to speak up about Miller getting high sticked for it to actually get called? That’s embarrassing to miss the Miller highstick but call the Zadorov one. Kelly is lucky his linesman saved his ass there. I don’t understand the Zadorov 5 and a game Howden turns as Zadorov is about to throw the hit and is the reason he gets hit in the Numbers in the first place. Zadorov does not have time to stop making the hit or change his trajectory what is he supposed to do there? Not throw any hits?? If Manson only got 2 minutes for a much worse and dangerous hit on J.T. Miller a few weeks ago when we played Colorado there is no way in hell that Zadorov should have been a 5 and a game. There needs to be some consistency enough is enough. Which to say wasn’t even Sutherlands worst error of the night. The failure of getting out the way of Miller’s clearing which lead to a goal against is absolutely atrocious. The refs have 2 main things to focus on make sure the game is called right and to get out of the way. Sutherlands failure to even attempt to get out of the way shows a lack of attention for parts of his job. The NHL is the best leauge in the world we need a higher Standard than that. Overall tonight’s game was not only Disastrous but a failure from the Players, the Coaches and the Officials.

  24. thorcheenma

    Just start playoffs at this point I’m done with regular season

  25. SuddenlyChineseFood

    When was the last time the Canucks have won a game by scoring 5 or more goals? Are we just missing the PP goals or have their 5v5 GF rates gone down too?

    Maybe this team misses Kuzmenko’s chaotic positioning. The opposition can’t know what he’s doing if he doesn’t know either, and in everyone’s confusion, somehow the other 4 skaters will get the puck to the net.

  26. Morty777

     So I’ve been hearing this phrase y’all got over here that I ain’t too crazy about. « It’s the hope that kills you. » Y’all know that? I disagree, you know? I think it’s the lack of hope that comes and gets you. See, I believe in hope. I believe in belief. Now, where I’m from, we got a saying too, yeah? A question, actually. « Do you believe in miracles? » 

  27. poolside123

    I mean all I can say is that when playoffs hit, everyone is 0-0.🙂‍↔️

  28. shadownet97

    I do not wish to see Bains and Cole in the lineup tomorrow.

    Bains could not keep up all game and Cole was a fucking pylon. That’s karma for scratching the birthday boy today hmph.

  29. Komar1744

    It’s so easy to be negative right now. Let’s remember:

    This team was a pile of shit for the last 10 years(minus the bubble bullshit of course). We are still 6-3-1 in the last 10 games and going to the fucking playoffs.

    Before this season started we were considered a borderline wildcard team. Those expectations have been blown out of the water. There are going to be growing pains. This team hasn’t played meaningful games down the stretch in a long time.

    The prospect pool that Alvin has built in his short time here is remarkable and will only grow as his tenure goes on.

    A healthy Lindholm will be a difference maker. A healthy Demko will obviously be huge as well. Podkolzin looks like he will become a menace. Hoglander has already become one.

    I’m still confident we can make a run but this season isn’t the end all be all for this team. There are years of success to come. Be loud and be proud to be a Canucks fan right now. Let’s make Rogers a fucking nightmare for opponents to play in. We were a joke just a season ago. Good times are coming.

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