@Rangers de New York

Le plus grand Twitter de hockey que j’ai jamais vu

Parlons du récent message d’Andrew Berkshire concernant Zack Hyman, qui a, pour le dire à la légère, suscité une sérieuse controverse. Tout cela discuté et plus encore dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui Tweet initial : https://twitter.com/AndrewBerkshire/status/1772645857277432283 Article sur le père de Hyman : https://www.thestar.com/sports/hockey/how-a-dad -avec-nhl-dreams-bankrolled-a-hockey-empire/article_7bc5a895-cdc2-52de-bf16-b9369b5c4214.amp.html


  1. If you’ve watched Zach Hyman through his whole career you know he is not that skilled, and that his game revolves around being a hard worker. On the leafs he got in the dirty areas and was a big set up man for matthews, and I respected him a ton for his game. Now he’s got mcdavid setting him and I think it’s well deserved. To say he isn’t a hard worker because his parents had money is a wild take. 100% his parents money helped astronomically but that doesn’t mean he didn’t work hard. I grew up in the same neighbourhood as mcdavid, 2 minute walk away. My parents likely made more than his. Now he’s the greatest player in the nhl and I’m commenting on this YouTube video. There is so much more that goes into “making it”. If you’re upset that someone’s parents made a fortune and want to use it to better their kids lives, you should take a look in the mirror because that should be every parents goal.

  2. His point is dumb. Pretty much all hockey players grew up in a upper middle class if not a rich family. Hockey is very expensive.

  3. I don't think the dude wanted to talk shit about hyman or to lessen his effords and what he deseves. I think he simply wanted to attack that hard work by itself can get you there, because it cannot. In year 2024 just hard work gets you as far as the things around you (family support, finances and mostly luck) let you. And he is darn right. It just sounded badly, but he meant this and not to shit on Hyman, he just took him as an example.

  4. the true part is that ice hockey is for the rich. and some people have a way better chance of making it pro if they are rich. mid range gear is super expensive and being able to afford new stick and skates every year (a player might be growing out of them) would help improve your game a lot on the ice. hopefully this year will be my first time playing in an arena and it's because hockey is way to expensive. of course not all nhl players grew up rich

  5. i dont care how it happens, scoring 50 goals in the NHL is an insane accomplishment that doesn't happen on accident

  6. While this take is framed really poorly, it seems like the problem he has is with the STORY of "if you work hard, you will succeed" being directly attributed to Hyman. Which i think is valid as it ignores all of the privilege Hyman has received.
    However, hes swung back the other way and discredited Hyman who has obviously worked his ass off to get to where he is and scoring 50 goals isnt something you can just gift to Connor McDavid because hes on the same line. You wouldnt GET on that line if you weren't an amazing player.
    Congrats Mr Hyman (one of the funniest names to say in the league)

  7. This "take" was a desperation grasp for attention from a genuine sad sack who has mountains to climb before ever calling himself a journalist. The underlying odour of antisemitism is truly sad.

  8. One thing I kinda agree with him on is that you do have to grow up rich these days to make it to the NHL, that is a huge barrier to entry. Hockey is an expensive sport, more so if you want any personal training or coaching which is pretty much needed these days to make it to the elite level

  9. Holy fuck. The victim Olympics never ends does it?

    My family was rich, why didn't I end up in the NHL, or any of my brothers or cousins (all rich families)?

    Ya. I, or they, didn't work hard enough/weren't good enough… that's why we didn't make it.

  10. Man, I must've missed all those seasons where every single player ever has scored 50 goals when playing on McDavid's line. Like, yeah, I think he's the best player in the league, but I also think he's thankful to be playing with someone with a real nose for the net.

  11. I mean he ain’t wrong but if the parents have money and want their kid in the nhl then who cares lol

  12. some people hate when a "spoiled rich kid" is better than them at something. They think they are better or deserve more because they had it harder in other aspects of life.

  13. I agree with mostly what the guy said, but I dont think that those statements should be used to take away from Zack Hymans 50 goal season, which is an incredible achievement and takes a lot of dedication and hard work.

  14. This guy big mad and doesn't even look like he could make it down and back without getting winded. What a clown take.

  15. Having rich parents doesn't guarantee you success in any career. But yes, hockey especially in juniors and minor leagues are littered with politics and privilege.

    But I've played with complete bums whos parents were multi millionaires and guess what? Not one of us are in the show. It only goes so far.

  16. All things can be true. I have a kid in AAA hockey. It's expensive. Most families would not be able to afford it. It's one sport you can truly buy talent. The better training you pay for the better the kid develops. From age 7 on up you're likely spending a minimum of 10k per year. The kid has to have some natural talent too though. In order for them to succeed they really need 3 things – talent, money, and connections. It's not basketball. You can't just pick up a ball and go play

  17. If Hyman was a Hab the tonguebathing from Berkshire would be endless, I ignore this clown for a reason.

  18. Money doesn't buy success in the NHL, just look at the Leafs, richest team in the league and have NEVER won a third round in NHL playoffs.

  19. I grew up poor and never got a chance to pursue hockey as my passion as a kid hes right about that but Zack hymans money status didnt get him that 50 goal milestone and he earned that through hard work.

  20. He probably is the luckiest guy, linemate wise, when it comes to having the right people there when you need to it to get a look and succeed.
    Guy still works his bag off, though/

  21. This has less to do with money and more to do with Berkshire hating jews. What hockey commentator has ever called out a successful player for having resources to excel? It's a rich persons sport inherently. It's such a completely weird and absurd thing to do and to do so publicly that to see this as anything other than antisemitic rot is completely missing the point. Hyman is the first Jewish NHL player to score 50 goals – ever, and this is what we are talking about. Completely disgraceful.

    What about Brett Hull? His dad was BOBBY HULL
    What about Max Domi? His dad is TIE DOMI
    What about William Nylander? His dad is MICHAEL NYLANDER

    None of them are Jews. They all had millions (and probably way more than Hyman's family).

    Also, you do not just play with AM34 and McJesus because you are lucky. There's a small handful of guys who can play with them, and they are very good hockey players. They probably had wealthy parents.

    ALSO, when Hyman was scoring 20, the narrative wasn't, "well he's underperforming because his parents are rich and bought his junior team and he should be scoring 50."

    It's honestly so unbelievable this dude is doing this. I think he may actually need help. Should've kept it to himself. Not really sure what response he thought the hockey world would have.

    In summary, this guys is a complete fucking joke. I am usually not a supporter of cancel culture, but like, this guy is toast and I really have no problem with it. Just ask Barnaby.

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