@Avalanche du Colorado

Macdermid combat le rempe

Je me rends compte que ce n’est pas spécifiquement lié à Avs, mais parce que cela implique MacDermid et qu’il sera toujours Avalanche dans nos cœurs. Voilà. https://x.com/theathletic/status/1775664569555296402?s=46&t=jKNBMzoxAL7N-DgbeZ09QQ



  1. blondespikes22

    Not Avs related but thats a must see fight, what a way to start the game and holy smokes that was a LONGGGG fight

  2. COphotoCo

    MacDermid won that fight. Good job Kermie

  3. PulmonaryArchery87

    Proud of the town and country

  4. rricenator

    My life is near complete. I can sleep tonight.

    Holy crap, to be at that face off! 5 fights and the coaches almost came to blows!

  5. rricenator

    Rempe is a punk, but kudos to him keeping his feet through that first combo, which would have laid me out in the hospital.

  6. Xerostodes

    *Stanley Cup Champion MacDermid, thanks

  7. jakerkarl

    Chef Kermit got to serve his famous knuckle sandwiches!

  8. ohkeepayton

    Holy jumpin does Panger say that a lot. Good job Kermie.

  9. fastyellowtuesday

    I love that the coaches sent Kermit’s line in for the opening face off. 😂

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