@Capitals de Washington

Je n’ai jamais vu quelqu’un changer aussi vite.

Je ne déteste même pas Rempe, mais ils se sont plaints sans cesse de Tom Wilson pendant des années pour ensuite adorer un enfant plus téméraire ???



  1. flacidRanchSkin

    It doesn’t count when they’re on your team.

    It’s that same reason we love Wilson or Boston loves 🐀 or now the rags and Rempe. It’s classic hockey fan mentality.

  2. fatloui

    Credit to their management, they realized their team was a bunch of soft whiny babies and it was holding them back so they made a change.

    I’m not gonna hold my breath waiting for an apology for their hypocrisy but I am looking forward to the day when a skill player jumps on Rempe’s back and they have to explain why that situation is so different. Also, any comparison of Rempe to Wilson is dumb. Wilson has never thrown elbows or left his feet on hits, he just hits people really fucking hard (or he used to, barely even throws hits any more).

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