@Rangers de New York

Brendan Smith traque Tom Wilson quelques secondes après être entré sur la glace

Le défenseur des Rangers de New York Brendan Smith s’en prend à l’attaquant des Capitals de Washington Tom Wilson quelques instants après le début de sa première présence du match.


  1. Remember this Wilson haters… Haters are nothing but jealous fans. You wish he was on your team. Same as all the Probert haters back in the day. Jealous

  2. "Remember to keep comments respectful and to follow our Community Guidelines".
    Bahahahaha…..I guess the feelings police at SportsNet didn't like my comment on that POS Wilson! 😉

  3. Smith did more than ok. Wilson just threw a lot, smith landed a couple good ones

  4. This reminds me of the massive brawl the Sabres started to retaliate against Ottawa after a dirty hit by Ottawa's Neil took out Sabre's captain Chris Drury.

  5. Smith skated to the slaughter.. He got beat but I give him tons of credit,he probably knew his odds of winning weren't that good but he went at him anyway. Good for Smith.

  6. Who's Wilson going to dance with on the Bruins as they'll meet in the 1st round soon.I don't think the Bruins have big fighters anymore. Ironically the one big slugger they had now wears a Cap's Jersey, lol.as in Chara

  7. Ещё одна девочка, из нью-йорка, решила побить головой кулаки Тома.

  8. Smith got his A$$ kicked for nothing! What the cowardly sports media won't admit, Panarin and Strome both jumped on Wilson in the previous game. DPS Director Parros deemed the punch to Buchnevich was excessive roughing, fined him and upheld the fact he received a 2 minute roughing penalty. If this had been anyone else but Wilson, doing EXACTLY the same thing, we'd never hear another word. It was a scrum like any other hockey game, when an opposing player pokes the goalie after the whistle or is in the crease. Buchnevich poked Vancek and Wilson punched him. Because he was face down, a penalty was called, DPS reviewed it, Wilson was fined, he deserved it and we moved on. The Rangers whined like toddlers at nap time, though 2 of their players jumped on Wilson, because Wilson showed them up. If they were going to challenge a bigger man, they should have packed a lunch! They couldn't handle the fight they started and then wanted to whimper. Wilson has played clean hockey for a while now, he plays hard and physical, but has left the dirty play out. His hit earlier in the year on Carlo of Boston, was deemed a clean hit by the on ice official and by DPS Director Parros. Commissioner Gary Bettman wanted Wilson suspended, because of the optics of the injury and the whining wimpy sports media, because it was Wilson. Bettman overrode his own judicial process to deem a player guilty, even though his officials and player safety director said it was a clean hit. Then Wilson was advised not to appeal by the league or incur Bettmans' wrath. Shows there is no integrity or justice in the league office. Wilson has played clean enough to be removed from the repeat offender list. It took 18 months of clean play to achieve that. At some point common sense and fair judgement has to come into it. Wilson has toned it down compared to his reckless play early in his career. This entire dust up has more to do with whom was involved, rather than what was done. It's all hysterics and nonsense, nothing more.

  9. Frédéric is gonna hurt Wilson bad in the playoffs man. Chara or no chara, bruins have marchand and Frédéric and Frédéric in my opinion could tske both of wither Wilson or chara. That kid is I sane tough and can take hits all day.

  10. wilson doesn't need to be a dirty player, he's fast enough, can hit, can fight, can score, there's something wrong him that he feels the need to bring the integrity of the game down. don't tell me i'd take him on my team, i wouldn't

  11. Imagine hunting down WILSON like that and then getting your ass beat in front of your home fans lol…. Poor smith

  12. It’s so amazing the refs never jump in when Wilson intentionally hurts someone, but when someone goes after him, they all come to his defense. 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️

  13. I'm surprised they challenged him to a fair fight. I was expecting an immediate and dirty hard check from behind with the whole team dog piling him. Or at least when Brendan Smith first made contact by grabbing his head and forcing him to be bent at the waist, I thought Smith would jump and put all his weight onto Wilson's head. I was expecting more a McCarty vs Lemieux situation.

  14. The caps just played the devils the other night. We lost…

    But at one point smith late in the game boarded someone. And Wilson was talking to him. The announcers said Wilson wouldn’t want a part of smith….. sure buddy.

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