@Wild du Minnesota





  1. Old-Significance4921

    Rossi is really going to need to work on his slapshot if a comparison between him and Rolston is ever going to be valid.

  2. GuillaumeLatendresse

    DY Comps Eric Fucking Lindros

  3. MrNotSoGoodTime

    Maybe not the star people were wishing for but Rossi is definitely looking to be at minimum a solid average NHLer. Hoping he can take it up a notch in the next couple years and really define his skill ceiling.

  4. KicksForLuck

    Not interested.

    If Rossi can make jumps in his game as much as from last year to this then he’s headed in positive direction as a hockey player.

    I would be open to it if it felt that Rossi had little to offer in terms of growth but as of right now there is still so much potential because of his work with and thirst to succeed

  5. MNGopherfan

    Would love if Rossi stayed consistent and made a continued improvement.

  6. CitizenStrife

    Ending up like Rolston as a floor would be a good thing.

  7. cisforcookie2112

    I don’t think Rossi will be a superstar but I think he can be a solid NHL player. I will be disappointed if the rumors of him potentially being on the trading block are true.

  8. Riromug

    I never have any fuckin clue what I’m reading. I understand the probabilities but the bars? Points?

  9. Mplsgent

    I think his comp is Parise. He is a little craftier than Parise and Parise a little more Tenacious.

  10. Panarin10

    I’d be happy if Rossi turns into the next Rolston

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