@Flames de Calgary

Kylington nommé candidat à Masterton | Flammes de Calgary

Kylington nommé candidat à Masterton | Flammes de Calgary



  1. BronzeDucky

    Love to see him win that. Would be a bright spot in a season that should be otherwise forgotten.

  2. superbear19

    He should win what he has overcome to be back were he is is nothing short of inspirational

  3. yeggiest

    In my mind he’s an absolute shoe in, a no brainer. To go through what he did, the metal health aspects fuelled by supposed personal grief, miss a season and a half, that would probably mean the end of the career for many. And then, to come back, only play a few games in the AHL and then right into every night in the NHL and arguably play just as good if not better than before. He plays 18 minutes a night, scores some beauties and genuinely improves the D core.

    If his story isn’t “best exemplifying perseverance, sportsmanship, dedication to hockey” I don’t know what is.

  4. AnxiousArtichoke7981

    The hope that this gives people who are in mental despair is unmeasurable here. The world needs Oliver’s story if and when he is ready.

    I assume that the Flames asked Oliver if he was ready for this nomination and he said that he was.

    This is much bigger than hardware.

  5. TravisTouchdown_51

    Great selection, hope this is a silver lining amidst all the crap we’ve seen all season. Hoping that Kylington rebounds to have a career year for us after this off-season, he has earned it.

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