@Golden Knights de Vegas

Chevaliers d’Or @ Coyotes 4/5 | Faits saillants de la LNH 2024

Faits saillants prolongés des Golden Knights de Vegas contre les Coyotes de l’Arizona 00:00 2e période 03:19 3e période


  1. Damn! Vegas up 4-1 with 12 minutes left in the third? Easy win for them boys so I probably don't need to watch the rest of it 😊

  2. As a Knights fan congrats to the Coyotes. You truly embarrassed our team tonight who should be ashamed of their play. 6 goals in the last 9 minutes of the 3rd period is a franchise record for the Knights. The Knights defense was terrible and I hope the next time #7 sits out a game that Hutton is put in his place because Hutton doesn’t make many of the mistakes some of the other Knights defense make. #81 and #49 needed to step up and they did not tonight.

  3. A tale of two periods. Knights win the 2nd. Yotes won the 3rd. And the 1st didn't exist 😅

  4. The yotes just won the rights to play at T-mobile Arena next season. Filthy comeback.

  5. VGK going all the way! All the way back home to try and figure out how they keep blowing big leads they have and end up losing. They must hate playing 1st and 3rd periods.

  6. Hopefully this is a sign of the things to come in the first round of the playoffs. Everyone's pulling for the Vegas Cap Circumventers to get bounced immediately.

  7. This win was insanely lucky for the Coyotes. I watched the game and saw all the lucky deflections and low pct shots go in and wondered, what were the odds?

    All numbers from Moneypuck game analytics.

    ARI: Goal 1: Kerfoot (12) – 0.7% Chance of scoring.
    ARI: Goal 2: J. Doan (3) – 2.6% Chance of scoring.
    ARI: Goal 3: Bjugstad (22) – 9% Chance of scoring.
    ARI: Goal 4: Carcone (20) – 1.6% Chance of scoring.
    ARI: Goal 5: Carcone (21) – 1.9% Chance of scoring.
    ARI: Goal 6: Brown (2) – 2.8% Chance of scoring.

    Not including the EN goal, the odds of all 6 goals going in are an astonishing 7.17 BILLION to 1.

    On the flip side, the chance of all 6 goals NOT going in are 82.6%.

    My Yotes overcame all odds tonight! In another playoffless year for us 😢.

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