@Canucks de Vancouver

Frank Seravalli sur les Canucks dépassant les attentes, Tocchet pour Jack Adams, Hughes pour Norris

L’initié de la LNH, Frank Seravalli, se joint à nous pour discuter du fait que les Canucks ont dépassé les attentes cette saison, même si Frank les a qualifiés d’équipe des séries éliminatoires au début de la saison. Nous abordons la victoire de Rick Tocchet sur Jack Adams, Quinn Hughes et Norris, et la question de savoir si les Canucks auraient dû ajouter plus de profondeur à leur groupe d’attaquants avant la date limite. De plus, Frank plonge dans l’avenir des Coyotes de l’Arizona. Présenté par GRETA BAR YVR (https://lnk.to/GRETAYVR) https://twitter.com/sekeresandprice https://www.facebook.com/SekeresandPrice https://www.tiktok.com/@sekeresandprice https : //www.youtube.com/sekeresprice https://www.instagram.com/sekeresandprice 📧 live@sekeresandprice.com 📲 778-402-9680 https://www.sekeresandprice.com/ https://www.rinkwidevancouver. com #Canucks #VancouverCanucks #NHL #Hockey


  1. The funniest part is that they had an absolutely dreadful pre-season. Would be nice if they could repeat that by flicking another switch before game one later this month…

  2. Plus minus is how you can differentiate their defensive play. Quinn is +39. Cake is +15. Therefore, if they are similar in points and driving offence, Quinn still has about 24 less goals against when he’s in the ice!

  3. If I'm putting money down, it's on Makar, and not because I think he's had a better year than Hughes. He played in Denver, which is in America for one thing, and it's a lot closer to the east coast. More people will have seen him this year. There's also a lot of familiarity from previous seasons. He's won the Norris before, and if voters already think Quinn is a defensive liability have seen Cale play a lot more this season, they're defaulting to the guy they know. Apparently, defence didn't matter at all last year when Karlsson won, but Welcome to the Wonderful World of Canucks Fandom. If there's a way we get screwed or unlucky somehow, it's going to happen. Canucks PTSD is real and not at all unjustified.

  4. When it comes to the Coyotes, why Salt Lake? I get that it's a big market with a hockey rink, but again, the NHL continues to make the same mistakes over and over again. The never ask the most important question: Is that market viable for a professional hockey team? Obviously you need an NHL rink, a decent size market and corporate sponsors, but if there's no significant fan interest, you might as well stay in Phoenix and play in another tiny arena. It won't matter. Here's an idea: Maybe you don't need to go somewhere where the NHL has been before, but at least find a city and a market where you know there's genuine fan interest and obviously people who can afford tickets. I'm not plugging Quebec City for its own sake and I know the language issue might be a problem, but I'd be looking there, a city where you know there's corporate and fan interest, before I jump to another big market where fans aren't interested in hockey to a great degree.

  5. Points basically the same, team goal differential basically the same and yet somehow…. Quinn Hughes + 39… Cale Makar +15… meanwhile Makar plays on what has been the better team for years.. and with better players. The argument for Makar is garbage. Hughes is the better and more impactful for his team defensemen this year.

  6. Ireally hope they can fix their pp they need to shoot the puck more and put thr 3rd line back together once lindholm is back. Lindholm im hard copeing makes a comeback in the playoffs since we now know that his decline where because he played through an injury

  7. The coyotes have been failing for damn near 30 years. It’s time to end the so called “experiment.” It doesn’t work, it won’t ever work.

    They say insanity is failing and trying the same thing over and over again.

    Just give it up Buttman.

  8. Had they just Left the original Jets in Winnipeg back in the 90's would the NHL have not been better off revenue wise. Or maybe just wait until a better offer from another different city something NOT in the south where Bettman seems to have made his bed back in those days ?

  9. If a team is looking for a new coach after firing their old, Chief Berube will be the first choice to be hired. I don't know what these nothing to lose teams like the Sens, Devils……..are waiting for. The guy was a Stanley Cup Champ for god sake.

  10. Look at Hughes vs Makar +/- during 5-on-5 play…not even close…Hughes drives the even strength play and a much better defender.

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