@Flyers de Philadelphie

4/5 PHI contre BUF Après-match : John Tortorella

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef des Flyers, John Tortorella, après une défaite de 4-2 contre les Sabres.


  1. I’d honestly prefer them winning 10 games all year to this. It shouldn’t be possible to have zero expectations going into a season and still be devastated and disappointed when it ends. The 2024 Flyers are finding a way to do that.

  2. WE ARE HERE NOW….3 pressers since last loss the media spin is on full effect! Who we gonna blame now? Hart? Coots? Ohh it’s frost again’……

  3. Team is 5 wins better since last year and the media spins it like they EARNED THIS’ earned what? The teams they are battling are most inconsistent in the league….83 points with 5 to go! Look up where they were last year with 5 to go….

  4. Good thing we got past those 7 teams and can get easy wins against bad teams……the media says islanders buffalo Detroit and Washington all are “not very good” well well well……it’s romper room time 🪞!

  5. Torts didn’t do a good enough job tonight having 3 DAYS OFF….and 3 pressers! Maybe stop running his yap and work on the special teams!

  6. физически очень слабая команда, вратари отстой полный, фядотов, где его нашли, помощи, ни какой тормоз, трамвай

  7. What a weird year. I don't know where I'm at with this team. I'd like them to make the playoffs but on the other hand I don't really care 🤷

  8. Goalie and finishing chances. 34 shots to 19. We also need to play a bit more creatively 1:1. Big change over last few games. Couple mods and we make the playoffs.

  9. WE WEREN’T EVEN PROJECTED TO BE RELEVANT THIS SEASON. Jesus. I know since we’re here the emotions get hopeful and whatnot, but the entire season was supposed to look like this. We have so much to be happy about. Yes, these losses have been hard on us. But we have WAY better years to come.

  10. The Sabres Lukkanen has gotten a lot better this year. Getting shelled every game gives him a lot of practice.

  11. amazing to se flyers, pitts, red wings, wash, islanders amd even sabres all dukin it out for wild card. go flyers!

  12. Not to worry, the Isles will blow the opportunity, I'm sure. From an Islanders fan. Seems that whenever a team gets into a playoff spot in this division they go on to lose 6 games in a row. Nobody wants the playoff spot.

  13. I'm reading Tortorella's mind right at this very moment:

    "My #1 centre is Poehling. I'm okay with that. Hello, is this the local liquor store. Send all your inventory to my hotel room"

  14. Text Message to Danny B from J. Tortorella: "Trade Konecny in the off season. He has quit on me. We need a true #1 centre on this team to play with Tippett. I don't trust Frost"

  15. "Hello is this the Russian Embassy? Yeah, this giant goalie you sent me is slower than molasses, overcommits way too easily, every shot on his stick side is an automatic goal, and he's just another flopper on his knees all the time like Sam and Carter"…."Oh yeah, this Zamula airhead can't even beat out old fogies Staal and Johnson"…"Oh did I mention Gurianov? He's a north south player who is obsolete in todays high agility game"

  16. BUFFALO BREAKING NEWS FLASH: "Old man with goat like beard seen groveling in front of tall swedish man repeatedly saying "Sam, you're still my #1. You're the King. I haven't lost faith in you. I wanted you to get more rest thats why I played this russian giant nobody tonight. I know you're the real deal. Champ all the way. "

  17. "Jackie, stop asking questions about the pp. Everybody knows I hired this failed goon to be the pp coach and well, he aint too bright. "

    "Hello is this the 'Fire Tortorella Foundation'….yeah I wanna make a donation to the cause. Everyone knows Brad Richards, Vincent Lecavalier, and Martin St. Louis made this phoney. The guy has got 15 lucky horseshoes up his rear end. Look at right now. 6 straight losses and Washington and Detroit can't get it done. Thats how lucky this shameless self promoting brainwasher is.

  18. Columbus is gonna be the real test—I mean if you can’t beat the Blue Jackets there’s something wrong with ya… I hope they lose though, because I’m a Buffalo fan! 😁

  19. So if Torts is coaching next year then this wont work…but if hes not then why not just let them play out for the year….like express gratitude for them fighting all year and basically tell them they arent ready for the playoffs(rebuild year) and just let them play…put it on them. Play the players you scratched and just orchestrate the line changes. If they want to be mental babies then treat them as such. And if Torts retires after this season so what…if he doesnt then they all know whats going to happen

  20. "Jackie, there is nothing to worry about. Coaches Lalonde and Carbery are very ignorant"

    Lalonde: "C'mon guys, the loser flyers cant win a single game down the stretch"
    Guys: "But coach, you're asking way too much of us. We can't do it. Its impossible"

    Carbery: "Guys, Lalonde has an IQ of 15. And Tortorella failed grade 1. And you can't beat that?"
    Guys: "What man, you talkin to me man?"

    The Bottom Feeders are racing to the bottom.

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