@Flames de Calgary

Flames de Calgary – Concept d’uniforme alternatif v2

Flames de Calgary – Concept d’uniforme alternatif v2



  1. dunkel624

    Went back to the drawing board a bit and utilized a more traditional, lighter maroon tone. Thanks for the feedback!

  2. TheMoleRat17

    I’m not too sure that the maroon really fits the Flames

  3. T-YSizzle

    I dig this too. I’m totally ok with alternative jerseys to be bold and try something new.

  4. HelRayzer12

    They’re a bit to bland Imo and don’t really like the addition of maroon. Not a bad attempt though!

  5. GriefPB

    Lemme get a matte finish on that bucket and I’m in.

  6. badgerbob1

    These look sweet. I like the experimentation with new colours. I’d just add blasty on the shoulders and it’d be complete for me

  7. treple13

    I like these but I like our current scheme better

  8. ItalianNotJewish

    Would much prefer these as an away uni to the current ones, they’re a bit lacking in dark colours and a little too vivid on the eyes but this one is very nice!

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