@Avalanche du Colorado

Mikko Rantanen étourdi après avoir été frappé par Mattias Ekholm

Tous les droits reviennent à la LNH. Je ne possède pas la musique et les images utilisées dans cette vidéo. À des fins de divertissement uniquement.


  1. I don't like it when players get concussions (if this is indeed what Rantanen has) but when it happens after a clean hit like that, I accept it as part of the risks of playing hockey. It didn't happen during a fight, Ekholm did not use his stick or throw him into the board… I hope Rantanen takes the time to heal properly, but Ekholm did nothing wrong here.

  2. I mean, you don't have to fight after a clean hit, but you still gotta stick up for your star guys one way or another too. But it's also on the star players to understand they're a target. I can see both sides of this and neither side is right or wrong really

  3. NHL, which stands for no hitting league. I guess MacKinnon loved the all star game so much he's putting it on his plate to take out hitting from the game.

  4. I really dont like Edmontons announcers. First to cry if anyone looks at mcdavid wrong let alone touches him. Then other team star players get laid out and he says its part of the game. I agree it is part of the game, just hate how biased he is

  5. You don't hit star players like that anyway… clean or dirty. Oilers fans would have come undone if someone put McDavid or Drysytle on their ass like that.

  6. Not dirty. Hard shoulder to shoulder. And have a good look I think it’s when Rantos head hits the ice is what bonked the hardest 🤷🏻‍♂️ hope he’s ok but it wasn’t predatory

  7. Вообще это хоккей, а не балет и не надо расслабляться

  8. As an oilers fan i hope Ratanen is going to be ok . I hate to see that . Ekholm is not a dirty player

  9. awwwwwwwww!!! – poor baby!!! – grow a pair folks; and quit bein' f'n pussies: it was a clean hit; so F the consequences!!! RGB-Y4 out!!

  10. That is a clean a hit/bump as there can be. I think Ranatanen wasn't braced for a hit coming and got caught flat footed on it. No real intent to hurt the guy, just one of those small moments in a game a player wasn't totally aware of his surroundings and got knocked off balance and unfortunately hit his head on the ice without getting his hands/arms out in front of him. Hope that Ranatanen is going to be okay in a couple of days of rest. Get well soon Mikko

  11. Slow-moving puck along the board kills players this way! They have to look down and halt movement to focus due to the change-of-pace. The end result is full absorption of an incoming hit as still target. How would one possibly avoid that?!

  12. If Ekholm would have taken the fight there probably still would have been a powerplay, because Johnson gets the instigator regardless.

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