@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Guentzel, Aho, Jarvis, KK et Necas semblent-ils préoccupés par le prochain affrontement avec les Blue Jackets ?

Guentzel, Aho, Jarvis, KK et Necas semblent-ils préoccupés par le prochain affrontement avec les Blue Jackets ?



  1. Turbulent_System_446

    This is probably an active off day for NHL players lol

  2. SokkasBoomerang3

    KK should be

    Mfer acting like he hanging with the 70+ gang on and off the ice 😂😂😂

  3. HeavyMoneyLift

    Watching the BlueJackets beat up on the flyers now. Honestly, unexpected.

  4. Sweetwater156

    I am sure they’re ready to play but they really look like a group of teenagers crowded around the tv playing N64.

    I’m going to the next game. I have a winning record of my attendance. Don’t fuck up my record boys 😅

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