@Flyers de Philadelphie


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  1. When will humans who love their animals going to get their spot in the light? I want to marry my dog.

  2. It’s a free world No one should have to adopt ideologies they don’t agree with

  3. This is why I don't watch sports any more it's more the leagues. not the players so much they have gone political where most Americans don't want politics

  4. A normal response out of a hockey community might be something like this-
    "we don't care where you come from, what skin color you have, what you do when your bedroom- put the damn puck in the back of the net!
    everybody bleeds red!"

    Hockey was the first & only professional sport where we heard teammates speaking three or four different languages on the same team back in the 60s- 70s.

    You never saw or heard anything like it, the only other place we saw international athletes was Olympics or ABC wide world of sports

    Hockey teams were special.

    and now they want to call us intolerant and racist?

    The only place my son was totally accepted 1000% of the time was hockey-one of the very few non-white kids around hockey.

    Nobody cared as long as "the dozer" stopped that puck from getting in the back of the net!

    Those were the hockey leagues away from the liberal public schools-that's where they kept pointing to my kids and trying to make us take surveys

    But my sons skin color was obvious-
    I understand why people did double-takes seeing a kid like that in hockey, but it always ended up with a smile and they loved him for his skill, not his skin color

    someone's sexual orientation shouldn't be that obvious.

    It's hockey. Shut up, unless it's hockey chirpin'!

    bash a guy into the boards to separate him from the puck,

    and score!

    Everything else is irrelevant

  5. My kids go a pride shirt at school and I put both of them in the trash that night. 😂😂😂

  6. Why they are required to promote the leftist HOMO by trans TRASH but they are not allowed to express any CHRIST symbols such as John 3:16 or JESUS SAVES , either allow everything or nothing

  7. Used to watch the walking dead series… lost interest as soon as they started with all the gay stuff .

  8. Great answer. Why must we accept things we don’t agree with? Especially with this delusion they’re trying to force on us.

  9. I’m confused
    It was not ok for the black guy to kneel for human rights
    But this ok ?
    That’s messed up

  10. Sports has always done this.
    Now you all here just figuring this shit out.
    It's funny they did it for years, and once it hit home you all care.
    I stop watching dumbass overrated, and overpaid athletes, cause of this bullshit.

  11. The thing is what the fck does lgbts have to do with sport events??😂😂

  12. he's entitled to not want to wear it but it heavily remove the idea of hockey is for Evey one in the LBGTQ

  13. i agree with him, if you are gay idrc and i respect that but don’t come after me for doing what i want when you are doing what you wabt

  14. Eww as a habs fan truly disappointed in my generation like cmon guys we went down hill man. I’m ashamed me be part of gen Z

  15. 100% support. McDavid on the other hand loves lgbtq rainbow flags and the lifestyle. Boycott.

  16. Coming from an actual Lesbians perspective, no one HAS to support, no one HAS to agree, and if he is standing up for his culture LET HIM! Just because he doesn’t support does not mean he doesn’t respect others! Ivan can believe what he wants to, and he should. I do think it is good they are supporting the community, but I believe that they don’t have to make people do it!

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