@Ligue nationale de hockey

Donc OTT peut marquer sur un filet vide comme celui-là contre TOR mais a piqué une crise aujourd’hui contre les Diables pour avoir fait la même chose APRÈS la fin du match ? 💀💀

Donc OTT peut marquer sur un filet vide comme celui-là contre TOR mais a piqué une crise aujourd’hui contre les Diables pour avoir fait la même chose APRÈS la fin du match ? 💀💀



  1. memeaste

    I’m not saying if it’s wrong or right, but wasn’t today’s shot after the final buzzer? Idk why that was such a big deal

  2. NordicGold

    Not saying it isn’t stupid but putting the puck in the net after a whistle or end of the game is a big no no in the nhl.

  3. KFBR392293

    Instead of lightly guiding it into the net after the game ended, they should have taken a clapper directly into Brady’s teeth, because of sportsmanship

  4. Wild-Assumption9405

    The sensitivity of grown men is absolutely embarrassing. The league should be ashamed of Brady and his mental health. There’s unwritten rules, don’t shoot the puck at the goalie after a whistle but nothing about sliding a puck into an empty net after a game is complete. It’s no longer you’re net, you lost. Grow up. The Sens are embarrassing themselves and the sport.

  5. TalithePally

    The fact that it was after the buzzer was the problem, if that wasn’t blindingly obvious

  6. SwanzY-

    i say it every time i see him, i swear, brady is a giant toddler out there

  7. Mythalium

    The difference is one happened while the game was still going on, the other one happened after the game ended.

  8. TheGreatPervSage_94

    If only the Ottawa players channeled this energy into winning instead of what ever they have been doing for most the season

  9. Necessary_Meeting907

    I feel like OP missed the entire point. It’s not okay in this instance due to different circumstances. Circumstances being that OTT are a bunch of bitches.

  10. NervousBreakdown

    Counterpoint. I think both reactions are fine. Reilly was pissed off that the team couldn’t get it up against a bottom feeder sens team. Brady is mad because they’re eliminated from playoff contention once again and that empty net stuff was the straw that broke the camels back. The fact that players can run hot and no one really got hurt (sure Grieg acted like rielly came at him with a machete but he was fine) is part of what makes this game exciting.

    But yeah sens fans acting like this is different are hilarious. Almost as funny as those fake twitter accounts Melnyk set up to encourage people to buy sens merch

  11. BBQMosquitos

    If he slapped it in there wouldn’t have been a problem.

  12. sBucks24

    Not only was it after the buzzer, Brady didn’t make a blind side cross check to the guys head! He came across like a bitch, but people comparing the two are just idiots.

  13. OpportunityDefiant31

    Not same exact thing. Both « unwritten rules » and both players massively overreacted making themselves look like goons. Just get over it, at that point you lost and you’re just being a sore loser/little bitch. Even Sens fans think tkachuck is an annoying tool

  14. Yea so what. Lol. It will happen again with other teams. This is what hockey is about.

  15. SlopitupPOS

    So, the entire OTT team is responsible for a dumb ass play from one of their players? Am I understanding this correctly?

  16. Otherwise_Awesome

    Well at least Tkachuk didn’t try to end his season

  17. Leafsfan27611

    Just tap it in no need for a slap shot that was unnecessary what reaction you would have expected. That sens player need to learn that you don’t slap shot into the empty net and doing it against your rival team he’s lucky nothing else happened. Just tap it in the EN goal he was a stride clear of the closest Leafs player he got what he asked for afterwards.

  18. Repulsive-Age-3201

    That’s not at all what happened. He put the puck in an empty net well after the buzzer went. And there was a scuffle.

    In the heated rivalry game against the leafs, it was sealing the deal. Putting a stamp on it. And Pinto got cross checked in the head while he wasn’t looking.

  19. Puckz_N_Boltz90

    So over these “unwritten rules” bro if you don’t want to get embarrassed… don’t let the other team embarras you. This is stupid, nobody gets hurt on this type of play, why do they protect grown ass men’s ego so much? Pathetic

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