@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

Brady Tkachuk, Jake Sanderson, Thomas Chabot et Jacques Martin Disponibilité d’après-match contre NJD

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef par intérim Jacques Martin, le capitaine Brady Tkachuk, Jake Sanderson et Thomas Chabot 0:00 Jacques Martin 2:51 Brady Tkachuk 6:47 Jake Sanderson 8:56 Thomas Chabot


  1. Such a great game, crowd was absolutely crazy, this is the atmosphere ottawa needs.

    Shitty first period or two but my god that third period was absolutely amazing

    That was a wild crowd

    Also gotta say thanks to sparty, he handed me a free pizza for beingn ginger

  2. Im as annoyed with a goal in the first two shots as I am with this terrible audio in Jaques presser, lots of background auido, noise onlycoming out of the right side speaker, all around crap. Also give the reporters a mic so we can hear the questions easily.

  3. When Ridly Greig acts like a goof, sens players & fans celebrate it as their version of the cup. When a team does it to them, time to cry about the code that they mocked. Clown franchise.

  4. amazing that there are still journalists and also amazing there‘s still a full house watching this crap on ice.

  5. It's crazy that this postgame vibe felt like they won the game just BC they didn't get blown out

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