@Red Wings de Détroit

23/24 RS : Buf @ Det Faits saillants – 4/7/24

Sabres de Buffalo @ Red Wings de Détroit. 7 avril 2024. Commentateurs du fil TNT – Brendan Burke/Darren Pang/Jennifer Botterill Records avant le match Buf – 37-35-5 (79 Pts) Det – 37-30-8 (82 Pts) Gardiens de départ Buf – Ukko- Pekka Luukkonen Det – Alex Lyon 1ère Période (0:00 – 7:45) 0:16 – Lucas Raymond Goal (1-0 Det) 1:04 – Luukkonen terre battue sur Sprong 1:19 – Luukkonen terre battue sur Larkin 1:27 – But de Patrick Kane (2-0 Det) 2:35 – Clifton frappe sur Copp 2:49 – Arrêt de Lyon sur Krebs 2:58 – Arrêt de Lyon sur Peterka 3:28 – But de Dylan Larkin (3-0 Det) 4:22 – Combat Joe Veleno contre Bowen Byram 5:44 – Arrêt de Luukkonen sur Raymond 6:02 – But de Tage Thompson (3-1 Det) 6:29 – Arrêt de Lyon sur Tuch 6:37 – Combat de Jeff Petry contre Dylan Cozens 7:32 – Copp chance 7:40 – Arrêt de Lyon sur Bryson 2ème Période (7:46 – 8:46) 7:47 – Arrêt de Lyon sur Skinner 7:54 – Arrêt de Lyon sur Greenway, Petry bloque sur Skinner 8:00 – Arrêt de Lyon sur Dahlin 8 :08 – Arrêt de Lyon sur Thompson 8:23 – Arrêt de Luukkonen sur Sprong 3ème Période (8:47 – 13:19) 8:48 – Arrêt de Lyon sur Krebs 8:53 – Arrêt de Luukkonen sur Raymond 8:59 – Arrêt de Lyon sur Clifton 9:09 – Arrêt de Lyon sur Thompson 9:16 – Chance de Thompson 9:23 – Arrêt de Luukkonen sur Kane 9:36 – Arrêt de Luukkonen sur Perron 9:45 – Blessure électrique 10:15 – Arrêt de Lyon sur Tuch 10:25 – Manque d’ailes le filet vide 6 fois 11:05 – Arrêt de Lyon sur Tuch, pénalités de Chiarot-Greenway 11:44 – Arrêt de Lyon sur Dahlin 12:00 – Dahlin frappe sur Edvinsson 3-1 Résumé des scores finaux 1er P 0:53 – Det – Raymond (26) – Sans aide 4:24 – Dét – Kane (19) – Petry (20) 7:37 – Dét – Larkin (31) – Raymond (37), Perron (26) – PP 13:16 – Buf – Thompson ( 29) – Benson (19), Tuch (37) – PP SOG – Buf – Det 1er – 10 – 10 2e – 11 – 7 3e – 17 – 7 Total – 38 – 24 Powerplays Buf – 1/2 Det – 1/2 Boxscore : https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/buf-vs-det/2024/04/07/2023021228/boxscore 2023-24 Faits saillants du match et extraits des objectifs : https://www.youtube.com/playlist? list=PLBGvwexaBewgOUCmRP670L2hzC7i2XePF Little Caesars Arena : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBGvwexaBewjwcmSsVg6hd7b_VT6dVYrc Buf-Det : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBGvwexaBewjKeoCAMqFG87ZxS7ScQjxg Plus d’ailes rouges Thème des faits saillants du jeu : https : //www.youtube.com/c/awood40/playlists?view=50&sort=dd&shelf_id=2 Saison : https://www.youtube.com/c/awood40/playlists?view=50&sort=dd&shelf_id=3 Adversaire : https : //www.youtube.com/c/awood40/playlists?view=50&sort=dd&shelf_id=4 Si vous souhaitez soutenir la chaîne : https://paypal.me/awood1340 ou https://www.patreon.com/ awood40 #DetroitRedWings


  1. I'll be at the game on Tuesday, so any potential highlights from me that night will be a little bit delayed.

  2. I like how they play that journey song in the arena at the end. The guy wants to go anywhere but there

  3. I’m so stupid I accidentally watched the sports net highlights instead of waiting for Awood. Won’t happen again I promise

  4. Wings are in the driver seat!.. if they can somehow win the last 5 games they're in!.. the probably… PROBABLY… can't afford no more than one loss.. but they need to just keep winning

  5. i had not known or not noticed prior to this year that Darren Pang absolutely HATES Patrick Kane. HATES him. his comment after Raymond's goal – which technically is also an absurd shot at Larkin – is intended 100% as a put down of Kane. "Raymond's been by far their most consistent forward this year." Raymond hasn't even been close to being one of their top 2 most consistent forwards this year, let alone by far their best. Kane and Larkin are by a mile the two most consistent forwards on Detroit this year. No one else close. Pang also, as the Chicago broadcaster (this is his first year w them), led off the Kane return game to Chicago by loudly announcing to the Chicago audience, apropos of nothing, that Chris Chelios was the greatest American player of all time. No one had asked him. The conversation didn't naturally lead that way. He just wanted to get that on record at the top of Kane's return to Chicago game, for Kane's home audience.

  6. also, re: Patrick Kane, since the game at Calgary, the team is 9-1-1 when Kane scores a goal. They are 0-6 since then when Kane doesn't have a point in the game. In Kane's last 10, he's got 6 goals and 3 game winning goals. The team is 5-0-1 in his 6 goal scoring games, 0-4-1 in the games he didn't score a goal (including the Carolina game which he missed sick).

    Kane has 7 GWG in his last 26 full games. His career high for a season is 9.

  7. See Greenway tries to punch Larkin in the back of the head before his goal, what a dog

    Thanks Awood for the upload

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