@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Le défenseur des Penguins élève son jeu tout au long de la dernière ligne droite

Dans cet épisode, les Nick discutent de la défaite des Penguins de Pittsburgh face aux Maple Leafs de Toronto et de certaines décisions d’entraîneur qui ont placé Mike Sullivan dans la ligne de mire des fans des Penguins une fois de plus (3:40). Les gars discutent également de la façon dont Erik Karlsson a élevé son jeu de bon à excellent ces dernières semaines (18h00). Ils terminent l’épisode en débattant sur les équipes restantes qui constituent la plus grande menace pour les Penguins dans la course aux wild card (26:45). Accorder! Le meilleur podcast pour les fans les plus fervents des Penguins ! Connectez-vous pendant que Nick Brlansky et Nick Horwat vous présentent chaque jour toutes les meilleures nouvelles et analyses des Penguins de Pittsburgh ! Nouveaux épisodes de « Tip of the Ice-Burgh » les mardi et jeudi et « Ice-Burgh To Go » les lundi, mercredi et vendredi. Abonnez-vous à notre page : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF9ht8AzbjUYj9iRMYgrKjg 🎧 Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/0xEz2obkC3dpVjLlns2Qgi 🎧 Apple : https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast /tip-of-the-ice-burgh-podcast/id1497683396 Retrouvez-nous sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/InsidePenguins


  1. What in the Berenstein Bears is going on here? I missed the post where Left Nick slightly changes his last name?

  2. you dont change what is working, leave jarry on the bench for the rest of the season. the team cant score 5+ every game hes in the net to get a win

  3. Doc baby!! Glad we got the point but smith and carter have not been good. Carter is slow (great on face off yes) and smith seems to have grenades on his stick blade. IDK, lets hope we get some rest and Crosby is fine after that blatant beating he took in this game. I disagree with the announcers and refs that Mathews didn't hit Crosby on purpose, he had eyes on him the entire time and even lead with the shoulder. Should have been an interference imo.

  4. Everybody in the organization is aware of the dynamic that's evolved. Every fan is fully behind Ned whereas Jarry has earned a lot of heavy criticism, and the fan faithful has faded for Tristan. If Sullivan decides to make a switch to Jarry at any point now and he loses, fans will certainly call for his and Jarrys heads, as if they haven't already. Not to mention, it seems the players are more motivated to play in front of Ned. Having been a new goalie without alot of trust from the team, the underlying factor that motivates them to play a better and more refined game is that they feel they have to, which is a good thing because they play more on edge in front of you. With a trusted, sure fire #1 goalie in the net, the team softens up expecting their goalie to be the game changer, make the big saves, and bail them out when they fall short. A goalie that hasn't developed that trust with a team keeps a team playing at their top level, and not to mention when that goalie gets hot and starts putting it all together, it suddenly sparks a team to play even more knowing they don't want to let their new hot goalie down. All around a good thing for this team.

  5. I have no issue with them continuing to play Ned. I dont play Jarry until the boston game. But 0 for 5 on the PP? I see that Jesse P is getting the Kapanen treatment. AKA the nylander treatment or ……insert younger guy not on a long term contract.

  6. If the rangers beat the islanders and detroit beats the caps, that helps the pens right? The pens could end up in the 3rd playoff spot and tampa in WC1 and Detroit in WC2. The caps are in the same division. isnt the chase for seeding and not WC?

  7. no excuse not to have your big guns on the ice in overtime period don't care how terrible the numbers say they are.

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