@Ligue nationale de hockey

L’année dernière, la malédiction a été brisée. Cette année est différente, crois-moi

L’année dernière, la malédiction a été brisée. Cette année est différente, crois-moi



  1. Vic_Hedges

    Normally i’d agree with you, but this year is different….

  2. Originalusername1988

    This year is different. Trust me!

  3. glitchycat39

    In that you expect to make it to at least the second round and then get bounced in the first? Yes, certainly different from the previous norm.

  4. HowieFeltersnitz

    I’d say the general mood of the Leafs subreddit is more akin to: « I don’t know man, lots of good but still plenty of questions. I guess we’ll see what happens ». Very few people are 100% convinced that this is our year.

  5. CroikyThatsABigDingo

    I have a good feeling about this year. I consulted my crystals and sacrificed all sorts of things.

  6. SportsHubLTD

    Ah yes, the Sabres fan speaks! Hating from outside of the club as per usual.

  7. I can’t imagine the pressure of trying to get out of the first round

  8. ThadtheYankee159

    I mean, it’s gotta happen *sometime* in the next fifty years, right? If it happened to the Blues it can happen to the Leafs?

  9. I’m trying to will into existence a scenario where Toronto loses to Pittsburgh in this year’s playoffs.

  10. KMDaddy

    You forgot. « ruin the team chemistry by making dumb trades at the deadline »

  11. Lightz29

    Nah this year, our division is way too competitive. Usually I’d atleast have some hope to make it out of the first round btt it this year not at all

  12. free_mustacherides

    Same with the Dallas cowboys……

  13. Weary_Ingenuity2963

    Update your memes my man, we are at the « Second round exit » phase. It’s a whole new world out there.

  14. Horrison2

    To be fair, a lot of teams are like that, the bruins only lose in the second round every year because we can use the leafs as a speedbump

  15. MatterIntelligent417

    Can someone remake this with a Canucks logo

  16. pcdoggy

    That’s just Leafs fans, though. Casual fans, hard core fans of other teams do the shortcut – ‘Leafs suck’ straight to ‘First round exit.’

  17. KaneAndShane

    Hey last year, they were a second round exit.

  18. Yun0Grinberryall

    Don’t forget hogging airtime

  19. It’s funny as a leaf fan, with friends who are leafs fans, I’ve yet to hear any of us say “this is our year”. Ironically I hear other fans making fun of leafs fans by claiming we always say that. Usually fans of other Canadian teams.

    Rent free I suppose.

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