@Islanders de New York

Sur la photo : la pire personne que vous connaissez vient de faire valoir un bon point

Sur la photo : la pire personne que vous connaissez vient de faire valoir un bon point



  1. xwinkar27

    Was it dirty? Yes
    Should it of been a penalty? Absolutely
    Do I care? no lol, the best part is we get ranger fans tears

  2. DefeatTh3Purpose

    « smokin rocks » made me laugh since it’s such a late 90s thing to say.

  3. ImJJboomconfetti

    They can have the board when they give back the first goal.

  4. Odd_Gene_2598

    Can we all agree that even when he agrees with us, missthenet is a huge tool?

  5. Stockersandwhich

    Zibenajab got away with one in the first period.

    I just want to know…who the fuck thought it was a good idea to put Bortuzzo on the PK!?

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