@Devils du New Jersey

Si seulement Fitz n’avait pas attendu TDL pour avoir un gardien semi-compétent.

Si seulement Fitz n’avait pas attendu TDL pour avoir un gardien semi-compétent.



  1. theketchupthief

    Then what? We get pantsed by a real team in the first round?

    This season was meant to go the way it did and we’ll be all the better for it.

  2. TheNightRain68

    You’re absolutely right, why didn’t Fitz think of that?


    Fitz absolutely tried to get a goalie but he can’t force teams to trade someone……..they knew they had leverage on us and wanted Fitz to give up an unreasonable amount of assets. There was nothing he could do aside from give up the farm for an aging netminder and then fans would be yelling to fire him for that…hes already verbalized hes willing to pay for a top goalie in the off-season im not sure what else you want him to do…enough with whining

  4. thegreatresistrules

    He tried to do this. . It takes another team to cooperate for this to happen

  5. Scaramoosh1

    Goalie should have been added by thanksgiving and Lindy should have been gone by Christmas if it didn’t turn around. Vanachek was a head scratcher for sure at the point, but anyone with eyes saw Schmid and Daws were not big league goalies. It was foolish bordering on stubborn assholishness to keep thinking the problem was anything but a goalie personnel problem. But dougie! But special teams!

    The way this team lit up when we got Allen and Kahkonen actually making saves made me so freaking angry. These guys were playing in front of a sports authority goalie net cover and losing their will to live. Goalies are not an afterthought.

  6. sanbaba

    This chart looks pretty accurate to my eyes, like usually there is a team with way lopsided totals that people draw the wrong conclusions from, but I think we averaged out pretty fairly here. With a better goalie I could see us *maybe* getting 96. But the fuck does that have to do with Fitz when Allen rejected the trade?

  7. Mysterious_Ant3095

    If our goalie’s hibachi place didn’t close we would’ve won the cup in September

  8. fixitfeliks

    I would be happy with Allen as the #1, but if Fitz can get Saros I ain’t gonna be complaining

  9. Luna0995

    People are dumb, I’m sorry but let’s just play devils advocate really quick. we get Saros but get absolutely fleeced in the process maybe a first and 2 quality prospects. Let’s say we barely squeak into the playoffs (by the way Jake Allen has been pretty fucking good despite being half the goalie of saros supposedly) what on EARTH do you think this team would do in a 7 game series except get rimmed out because our defense is TRASH. Our best player WAS HURT for months.

    We can blame goaltending all we want but our D has been serving up golden platter chances like it’s an all you can eat buffet and kelvin benjamin is the one eating.

    I’m fine with no overpay and to try harder in the offseason to get a goalie because this team simply wasn’t gonna fucking cut it. Get the young boys the year of experience to learn to be actual defensemen and light the fucking league up next season when everyone improves and we get 2 quality netminders.

  10. LaHondaSkyline

    Here is something to keep in mind: Allen has been fantastic since arriving. Yet, the Devils W-L record is…pretty bad since the trade deadline. This is a very flawed skaters roster. Getting goalie earlier (probably not possible without a wild overpay that would be regretted for several years), that would have at best papered over massive flaws in the the way the Devils skaters play as a group and gaps in the roster. While there are teams that unexpectedly go on runs in the playoffs, the 23-24 Devils would not have been such a team. The Jack Hughes injury alone should tell you that. In the long run, NOT overpaying for some windmill tilting this year was for the best in the long run. The flaws in the skater group and coaching are now undeniable, and there will be no possible excuse for failing to address them.

  11. darklightrabbi

    Then we’d be limping into the playoffs without Jack or Dougie.

  12. LaHondaSkyline

    Wait. This says that if the Oilers had decent goaltending they would be a 121 point team. Really? 121. REALLY? Sort of calls into questions the methodology they are using…

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