@Predators de Nashville

Cette vidéo d’Evangelista qualifiant un joueur des Jets de « mauvais garçon » vivra longtemps dans ma tête sans loyer

Cette vidéo d’Evangelista qualifiant un joueur des Jets de « mauvais garçon » vivra longtemps dans ma tête sans loyer



  1. Amesadoodle

    Someone please turn this into a reaction gif for our game threads. Thank you for finding the isolated version!

  2. oneleggedoneder

    I like Evangelista and I think for the majority of the game he was giving more effort than any other skater. However, if he keeps running his mouth and doesn’t put on some muscle, one day one of these veteran guys is just going to knock him out.

  3. FunSockHaver

    vangy hitting “bad boy” and the dude fully birding Kyle Connor makes this one of the most memeish games in awhile

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