@Ligue nationale de hockey

Est-ce un comportement normal pour les fans des Diables ?

Est-ce un comportement normal pour les fans des Diables ?



  1. DaeWooLan0s

    I actually find this hilarious that they are playing death metal in the lobby of a game Lolol.

  2. ShartRat

    Fuck people like these guys in pits. Absolute buffoons.

  3. Mysterious_Ant3095

    If you can’t have a good time at your games just say that

  4. GrimmHatter

    I’m seeing a lot of torn rotator cuffs

  5. Dexter2533

    I was hypnotized by the big guy in white jersey with no number and red hat.

  6. jopcylinder

    This is peak Jersey culture. I love it

  7. SizingUp

    This is so sick. More hardcore dancing at hockey games.

  8. Flux_resistor

    It’s spring mating call, u interested?

  9. paranoidhands

    holy fuck this is sick and i now want to be a devils fan.

  10. Bryan_Waters

    Right on dudes. Thats so cool they let them play a show inside the stadium like that.
    Also really funny to see the people who have never seen hardcore dancing. Understandably confusing for the uninitiated.
    Some of the stuff can be pretty dickish, but it usually gets self policed. If you don’t like the people flailing violently towards the edge of the pit, you leave that spot or kick them first.

  11. yup7100

    If they only had that energy on the ice they would win stanley cup

  12. Possible_Chipmunk793

    Wtf is up ~~Dennys~~ Jersey!?

  13. Brilliant-Chapter202

    Now that is what I’m talking about… wish we did something like this outside lol

  14. Strained_Humanity

    Everyone from jersey is on the spectrum. Let them stimulate.

  15. Odd_Caterpillar_5413

    NJ hardcore scene is back. Lol

  16. TheChozoBard

    Our season may be cooked, but we still throw down at the Rock! 🤘

  17. monkeypickle8

    The Banner is pretty big in NJ, they came up at the same time as My Chem but stayed a lot more local. It’s hardcore btw you can’t just call all heavy music death metal you normies.

  18. 136AngryBees

    Hockey is the official sport of Hardcore music

  19. chickichuglette

    Their fighting invisible Matt Rempes

  20. Grizz709

    No one here knows what hardcore dancing is? Not what I prefer when I go to a Hardcore show, but like, that’s been around forever.

  21. Gold-Independence-26

    They’re jamming out dude.
    Fuck off

  22. Mymainacctgotbanned

    Damn it’s like every hardcore show when I was in high school. Cool stuff.

  23. anewcynic

    As a Rangers fan who is a Jersey native- this absolutely tracks. At least this is a harmless outlet, unlike some Devils fans I’ve seen at the Garden… or that idiot Rangers fan who threw that sucker punch after a game.

  24. fightins26

    Took me a minute to realize this isn’t r/hardcore

  25. If they’re also Metal fans.

    But whose to say what’s « normal » in Jersey?

  26. T0macock

    Imagine paying $11 for a game and get surprise hardcore lobby show? I’m jealous.

  27. kingoden95

    Idk they’re making a great case for me to convert to their side in this video.

  28. ReptarInTokyo

    “Jack Hughes to undergo surgery”

  29. hellodbone

    Tell me Lou Lamoriello is no longer President and GM of the New Jersey Devils without telling me that Lou Lamoriello is no longer President and GM of the New Jersey Devils.

  30. londongas

    Jesus Christ, that’s Jay and Silent Bob!

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