@Blackhawks de Chicago

Joel Quenneville parle publiquement du scandale des Blackhawks de Chicago pour la première fois

Cela fait plus de 2 ans que Joël Quenneville est entraîneur dans la LNH, et il raconte son histoire pour la première fois ici même sur le podcast Cam & Strick. Q a démissionné de son poste d’entraîneur-chef au milieu d’un scandale d’agression sexuelle avec l’ancien joueur de Chicago Kyle Beach et un entraîneur vidéo, et comme toujours, Andy pose toutes les questions que nous devons savoir. Ce n’est pas un spoil que Joel souhaite revenir derrière un banc et personne ne sera surpris que les équipes partagent cet intérêt. Joel Quenneville a 3 coupes Stanley et 969 victoires en carrière (2e de tous les temps) à son actif, l’héritage de l’entraîneur Q parle de lui-même. Début de l’interview ▶️ 1:16:30 Découvrez nos sponsors ! 🤝 – 1er Phorm : https://1stphorm.com/camandstrick – Belhmann Automotive : https://www.behlmann.com – Sparx : https://rb.gy/x3rqcu utilisez le code promo « CamandStrick » – Illinois Recovery Center : https ://www.illinoisrecoverycenter.com – HatLaunch : https://hatlaunch.com/ Suivez le Pod ! 🎙️ – Twitter : https://twitter.com/CamandStrick – Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/camandstrick/ – Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/camandstrick – TikTok : https://www .tiktok.com/@camandstrick – Site Web/Boutique : https://www.camandstrick.com/ Suivez les garçons ! 🏒 -Andy : https://twitter.com/andystrickland -Cam : https://twitter.com/camjanssen25


  1. I believe in 2nd chances, and think JQ is obviously a great coach, but there's some holes in this story when you hear former team mates and staff that have come forward, and the denial of ever knowing what took place doesn't add up for me, it is obviously a very hard thing for the Organization to deal with , but the consequences of not dealing with it, ended up with the abuse of teenager, so I think alot has yet to play out before he is reinstated

  2. I think it's pretty clear he didn't know enough at the time. But also that he also didn't push the issue anywhere near enough.

    I am not happy that he won't say anything about anyone else, especially people in management, executive and board positions. I want to know who Joel is angry at for how it was handled.

    I want to know about Cheveldayoff, Bergeveign, the president, the board, the owners. Who are you pissed off at for sweeping this under the rug Joel? You won cups, made a bunch of money, and are the like 2nd most winning coach ever. Stop protecting your twilight run in the league and fucking expose someone, because you're one of the people taking the fall while people that knew way more & did way more are still around.

    If you've been doing all this work and have been talking to all these brave survivors, when did you learn a lesson about not being a coward? Good job, still not doing enough or pushing buttons.

    If you know what someone else knew/didn't know or did/didn't do, say it. If you know something say it. If you know nothing say it. Don't hide behind, "I'm not gunna lay blame, I didn't do enough."

    They gave this mother fucker letters of recommendations that got kids assaulted. Be a fucking man.

  3. Hope you get a job Q, the Beach situation was NEVER your fault IMO or your responsibility.

  4. Great interview and thanks for posting. Love Joel ! In the summer of 2010, after Chicago won their first Stanley Cup in 49 years, the Hawks had their inaugural fan convention in Chicago.
    I attended as did Kyle Beach. In a fan question forum, Beach was asked a few questions, but his demeanor was sullen, which I thought was weird given the celebratory nature of the weekend. In retrospect, it all made sense, since he was likely still processing his horrible experience, which transpired only a few weeks earlier.

  5. Wait 1:20:45 so Q says 2021 after reading the report for the first time was his first knowledge of any sexual abuse with regards to Kyle Beach? What? He had no zero knowledge in 2010????

  6. As a Panthers fan I love Quinnville. I think both he and the Panthers were screwed and even now I still wish he was the coach.

  7. Quenneville was a scapegoat. It's easy to point the finger and fire the coach. Quenneville took the punishment and sought help and advice on how to handle a situation like this in the future. He owns the regret for not acting when he should have, but all of the moral pristine people in this world will never forgive him. It's time to bring him back. He's a HoF coach and deserves to continue his career and be better now with the knowledge to prevent these horrific incidents happening in the future.

  8. Andy did an incredible job.
    He should be on a National broadcast and coverage for the League.

  9. And….. I think this interview just catapulted the Cam and Strick show into the stratosphere of hockey media. Move over chiclets.

  10. Should still be coaching. It’s a shame how he took a fall for how upper management handled a toxic situation. That’s not on Q. It’s on management. As soon as there was proof that the video coach was “bothering” the Rockford players, the video coach should have been canned. That isn’t on the Blackhawks players or the coach. Bring coach Q back. The NHL is a better place with him in it. Believe it or not. All you woke snowflakes need to realize that. ITS NOT ON COACH Q.

  11. You should of done more he's just trying to get a new job i also believe in second chance but when it comes to what happened never coach again you hear of a coach bothering kids at Rockford and sending inappropriate text messages come on any human being with got rid of that son of a bitch!! I'm not working with somebody like that I know is doing that shit and your the head coach..

  12. This was the fault of the guy who came over from the Cubs and ran the organization with an iron fist, John McD !

  13. McDonough was the clear villian in this mess. Also, the time and circumstances in which this all took place was the perfect storm for organizational ineptitude. Still, no excuse obviously.

  14. Just my two cents and we’re allowed to have our pennies worth. When a person cannot look you in the eyes when answering such an important question. Timestamp 122:20 you have to question to an extent his answer. I’ll be honest it didn’t pass my smell test, but who the fck am I.

  15. Thank you guys for doing this interview. As a lifelong Hawks fan, and an Everett Silvertips fan, this entire situation has broke my heart. This interview is great, I want to believe coach about a lot of it, I still find it hard to believe he didn’t know more than he says, but I appreciate what he was able to give us. I love the Hawks, I love coach, I love Kyle. Thank you for this interview

  16. I want to give coach Q a chance, but I don't know if that was convincing enough. Bottom line is the video coach was sexually assaulting one of his players. There wasn't enough hellfire. I don't think he said a single bad thing about the video coach or a single good thing about Kyle Beach. It was more poor me. I want to like coach Q, especially with the Jimmy Roberts callbacks, but I'm not convinced.

  17. im sorry, the longer i watch the interview the more i realize he really only cares about getting back. when he said he never asked kyle what his thoughts would be about him coming back, it really is telling. he IS in part responsible, not the primary, but he bares some responsibility, as a leader, and asking more questions isnt the end of his responsibility.

  18. While unfortunate, Coach Q or any normal human being with a functioning brain would not knowingly allow anything remotely close to a situation such as this

  19. Love this podcast! You always gets the best and most interesting interwievs. Great work on this one! Keep it up boy! Yoink from Sweden 🍻🏒

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